James姚亲自整理EAL考试重点--Expository 文体的Introduction写法

2015年05月29日 高中生补习联盟Australia

1. 背景(用1-2句话展现你对conflict概念的理解 最好和题目有一定关联)

2. 主题(用自己的话写出你对题目的理解)

3. 立场 (你对这个题目的说法是完全同意?部分同意?还是不同意?)

4. 分论点概述(用自己的话把3个分论点总结出来 目的是让读者看完了你的introduction之后,就知道你全文要写什么)

The challenges people face during conflict have a destructive effect on themselves and others.

Conflict is always difficult for people, as they face many unimaginable hardships and barriers when encountering conflict. (背景) No matter whether it is armed conflict, interpersonal conflict or inner conflict, people often have no choice but to confront all the challenges coming with these conflicts. These challenges, in turn, can negatively impact the many aspects of individuals. Sometimes the destruction not only applies to those who are involved in conflict, but also influence innocent people. (主题和立场) Thus, it is fair to say that by its nature, conflict is against humanity and may lead to tragedies for ordinary people. However, despite the brutal/cruel nature of conflict, individuals are still about to survive conflict and change the destructive effect into success. (分论点概述)

The nature of conflict is inhumane, and the challenges in it can destroy the beautiful things in life for those who are involved.

Besides, the tragic consequences of conflict can have an effect on those ordinary people who are innocently involved in it.

However, people are able to survive conflict physically and mentally, which can offset the destructive effect of conflict.

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