
2019年03月16日 FOX国际艺术



猛一看,你可能以为这是一捧花束,但实际上,这些作品由艺术家Nicole Dextras利用冷冻的服装组成。他在加拿大阿尔伯塔省班夫中心的德克斯达斯艺术公寓完成了这组创作。首先,艺术家将衣服打湿,并用特殊工具将衣服固定成花束的形状。然后将其放在冰天雪地的户外之中。在此过程中,还会不断的在衣服上喷水进行加固。最后,将冰冻好的衣服以特定的形式组合起来,就形成了这些有趣的“冰衣花”。


This outdoor installation of ice-covered dresses was created to resemble an alluring bouquet of fantastical plant life summoned from the underworld. It appears out of the frozen earth like the mythical man eating trees of folk fiction. It has more in common with the Venus flytrap than the Valentine sentiment. In addition, the presence of womens clothing also refers to the deep seated fear of the Man-eating female in science fiction and pagan myth.

Outdoor sculpture done at the Banff Centre for the Arts. Melted quickly.

The icicles allude to the lobed edges of plants fringed by stiff hair-like protrusions or cilia, which mesh together and prevent large prey from escaping.

Garments were frozen individually and then assembled into one large sculpture

The array of bright colours refers to the biodiversity found in the natural world.

The project began as an experiment in freezing garments by spraying water on them.

Detail of ice build up on a vintage satin gown.

The scalloped edges of this 1920's dress is reminiscent of the Venus flytrap.

I have long been inspired by the billowy show of some giant jellyfish.

Detail of frozen lace resembling trumpet-like flowers.

Layers of skirts create layers of petals.

The Ya Te Veo tree from "Sea and land" an illustrated history of wonderful curious things by J W Buel 1887.


CastAways is a series of frozen garments placed in the context of a landscape, inviting the viewer to construct their own narrative. Like an isolated silent film still, they exist only for a moment and then the movie continues on.

Tropical Beach Stand - Man's short sleeved sunny orange shirt in contrast to the abandoned amusement park stand on a blustery winter day.

Tall Tales - Arrested movement of a cotton dress emerging from the red door of a lighthouse.

Gibraltar Point Lighthouse - This historic lighthouse is said to be the scene of a grizzly murder.

Fleeting Memory - During the installation of this block of ice I heard moans coming from behind the lighthouse door. Sometime later I was relieved to see a storyteller and his audience of frightened children emerge after the recounting of the old tale.

River Sprites - Two tall ice blocks of deconstructed garments installed on the banks of the Lillooet River in Pemberton Meadows. They stand as beacons of light emerging from the river.

Nature's Scale - Larger view of the area, where the mountains dwarf the ice installation. Each perspective of the camera lens tells a different story.

Green Skirts - Installation in Banff AB of a series of silk fabrics formed to resemble natural life forms.

Flounced - Detail of silk skirt's flounced edging. Imagine yourself peering in a microscope and discovering the meaning of the verb to ruffle.

Victorian Ice Dress - Installation in the historical town of Dawson City. Dress sprayed with water over time to form a thick layer of ice.

Victorian Ice Dress Lantern - Lit at night with candles the frozen garment comes to life, an apparition of the historic gold rush, now reduced to a whitewashed tourist attraction.



Fox International Art





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Fox International Art



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