据澳新社报道,上周一,新南威尔士州州长BarryO’Farrell 在Bella Vista的施工现场说,悉尼西北线铁路项目的招工活动正在进行,将招聘900名工人来修建这条铁路。
Barry O’Farrell说:这对于悉尼西北部的人是一个好消息,他们等这条铁路已经很久了。
在这条铁路将建八座车站,包括 Castle Hill, ShowGround, Norwest, Kellyville, Rouse Hill, Cudgegong Road. 将设4000个停车位。
O’Farrell 对于单层车做了说明,表示类似于这种单层车正越来越多的应用于伦敦和巴黎等大城市,因为这种单层车可以搭载更多的人,运行速度更快,而且乘客上下车也更方便。
North West Rail Link
The North West Rail Link is a priority rail project forthe NSW Government.
A specialised Project Team has been established withinTransport for NSW to coordinate and expedite work on the project.
Eight new railway stations are proposed: Cherrybrook,Castle Hill, Showground, Norwest, Bella Vista, Kellyville, Rouse Hill and Cudgegong Road.
The North West Rail Link will be part of Sydney’s Rail Future – a customer-focused public transport plan to modernise Sydney’s trains.
Customers will be able to catch a train every fiveminutes in the peak – 12 trains an hour.
Fast, single deck, high frequency trains betweenCudgegong Rd and Chatswood.
It will be the first rail link in Sydney to have new single deck trains which are able to carry about 50 per cent more people than double deck trains over an hour.
The 15.5km of tunnels between Bella Vista and Epping are the longest rail tunnels ever constructed in Australia.