
2019年01月23日 美国驻华大使馆

“一个想要——想要来美国这里投资的中国公司应当有充分的机会这样做,只要他们来这里公平竞争。同样,美国公司也应当被允许这样做,而不是不得不面对这样一个机制:他们所提供的技术将被强制转让。”蓬佩奥国务卿对达沃斯世界经济论坛的讲话,2019年1月22日,华盛顿DC https://www.state.gov/secretary/remarks/2019/01/288524.htm


“A Chinese company that want to – wants to invest here in the United States should have every opportunity to do so, so long as they’re coming here to compete fairly. In the same sense, American companies should be permitted to do that as well without having to have a mechanism by which the technology that they’re providing will be forced to be transferred.” Secretary’s Remarks to the World Economic Forum, January 22, 2019, Washington, DC

link: https://www.state.gov/secretary/remarks/2019/01/288524.htm

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