“我在美国生活了大约5年,渴望去澳大利亚,直到流感把我带回家。虽然我很怀念巡演和见人的时光,但被迫停留一秒钟还是蛮酷的。我每天醒来都很兴奋,想在一个讲述我生活故事和我爱过的地方创造一些新东西,”Troye Sivan总结道。对于任何担心年轻名人会成为优秀设计和独特品味的标杆的保守美学家来说,Troye Sivan诱人的墨尔本庇护所应该会让他们放心——孩子们都很好。
“I was living in the States for about five years, longing to be in Australia, before the pandemic brought me home. As much as I’ve missed touring and seeing people, it’s been cool to be forced to stay still for a second. I wake up every day excited to make something new, in a house that tells the story of my life and the places I’ve loved,” Sivan concludes. And for any old-guard aesthetes concerned about young celebrities becoming standard-bearers for good design and idiosyncratic taste, Sivan’s seductive Melbourne sanctuary should put their minds at ease—the kids are alright.
受万千少女捧爱的澳洲创作歌手Troye Sivan(戳爷)与Flack Studio的设计师David Flack合作,设计了他位于墨尔本的家。Troye Sivan心目中阳光明媚、充满感情的家的愿景变成了现实。这是一座具有历史意义的住宅项目,这座昔日的砖厂和手球场在1970年被建筑师John Mockridge改造成住宅,但这座建筑的历史可以追溯到1869年,至今它仍保留了其维多利亚时代起源的精髓。如今,它是一个装饰折衷的圣殿,也是Troye艺术想象力的家园。
Troye Sivan, an Australian singer-songwriter beloved by thousands of teenage girls, teamed up with designer David Flack of Flack Studio to design his Melbourne home. Troye Sivan's vision of a sunny, emotional home has come true. A historic residential project, the former brick factory and handball court was converted into a home by architect John Mockridge in 1970, but the building dates back to 1869 and retains the spirit of its Victorian origins. Today, it is an eclectically decorated temple and home to Troye's artistic imagination.
Troye Sivan之前一直活跃在美国并且待了五、六年,如今他向往墨尔本并且在这创造他充满灵魂的家园。走进生活区,会发现这里如若一个艺术的天堂,一个时尚和收藏品的集市,原来家也可以像集市一样琳琅满目,每件大大小小的东西,都值得细细欣赏。
Troye Sivan has been active in the entertainment industry in North America for five or six years, and now he has returned to Melbourne to create his soulful home. Into the living area, you will find here is like a paradise of art, fashion and collection of the bazaar, the original home can also be like the bazaar full of beautiful things, each big and small things, are worthy of careful appreciation.
Troye Sivan的审美偏好是在他的环球旅行中磨练出来的,特别是他在洛杉矶的那几年,在那里他仍然有一个家。“墨尔本和洛杉矶在气候和建筑方面有很强的亲和力。这种典型的加利福尼亚中世纪现代主义的风格有很大的影响,”他解释说。“我也喜欢我在日本度过的时光。侘寂(wabi-sabi)的概念,即完美的不完美,真的让我产生了共鸣。”
Troye Sivan’s aesthetic predilections were honed during his travels across the globe, in particular his pre-pandemic years in Los Angeles, where he still maintains a home. “There’s a strong affinity between Melbourne and L.A. in terms of climate and architecture. That strain of classic California midcentury modernism has been a big influence,” he explains. “I also love the time I’ve spent in Japan. The idea of wabi-sabi, the perfectly imperfect, really resonates with me.”
对许多房主和设计师来说,将不完美作为保护房屋灵魂的一种手段,可能是一个太深奥的概念,但Troye Sivan和David Flack显然明白这一点。“我们保留了原来的软木天花板,包括污渍和其他一切。如果我们想保留这所房子最初的雏形,一切都必须让人感觉轻松和真实,”Flack强调。“它就像餐桌上黄色的斯卡帕灯。他们看起来就像在米兰的一所房子里坐了30年,下面有一群意大利人在抽烟,”他说,并进一步吹捧了古铜色的力量。
Embracing imperfection as a means of safeguarding the soul of a home is a concept perhaps too abstruse for many homeowners and designers, but Sivan and Flack clearly get it. “We left the original cork ceilings as they were, stains and all. If we wanted to preserve the germ of what this house was originally, everything had to feel effortless and real,” Flack avers. “It’s like the yellowing Scarpa lamps over the dining table. They look like they were sitting in a house in Milan for 30 years with a bunch of Italians smoking under them,” he says, further touting the power of patina.
Flack Studio回忆道:“Troye Sivan是一个非常精明的合作者。在我们最初的谈话中,他谈到了物质,谈到了他希望在自己的房子里有什么样的感觉,谈到了气味、声音和光线。这不仅仅是他在Pinterest上找到的一些漂亮的东西。”
“Troye is an incredibly savvy collaborator. In our earliest conversations, he talked about materiality, how he wanted to feel in his house, about the scent and the sound and the light. It was so much more than just a few pretty things he found on Pinterest,” recalls designer David Flack of local firm Flack Studio, Sivan’s partner in the sensitive, sophisticated reimagining of the singer’s Victorian-era home.