
如Accounting Concepts and Methods---ACM入群

ACCTING 7019: Accounting Concepts and Methods (M)
CORPFIN 7005: Principles of Finance (M)
ECON 7200: Economic Principles (M)
CORPFIN 7033: Quantitative Methods (M)
CORPFIN 7039: Equity Valuation and Analysis (M)
CORPFIN 7040: Fixed Income Securities (M)
CORPFIN 7020: Derivatives (M)
CORPFIN 7019: Advanced Funds Management (M)
ACCTING 7014: Management Accounting (M)
ACCTING 7020: Intermediate Financial Reporting (M)
ACCTING 7023: Advanced Financial Accounting (M)
ACCTING 7026: Accounting Systems and Processes (M)
COMMLAW 7012: Business and Corporations Law
COMMLAW 7013: Income Taxation (M)
COMP SCI 7202 Foundations of Computer Science (6 units)
COMP SCI 7201 Algorithm & Data Structure Analysis (3 units)
COMP SCI 7081 Computer Systems (3 units)
COMP SCI 7064 Operating Systems (3 units)
ENTREP 5016 Entrepreneurship & Innovation (3 units)
ENTREP 5018 Opportunity Assessment (3 units)
PROJMGNT 5021 Applied Project Management 1 (3 units)
ENTREP 7022 Creativity & Innovation (3 units)
COMP SCI 7098 Master of Computing & Innovation Project (9 units)
COMP SCI 7039 Computer Networks and Applications (3 units)
COMP SCI 7015 Software Engineering & Project (3 units)
COMP SCI 7401 Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning (3 units)
COMP SCI 7089 Event Driven Computing (3 units)
COMP SCI 7307 Secure Programming (3 units)
COMP SCI 7306 Mining Big Data (3 units)
COMP SCI 7007 Specialised Programming (3 units)
