2014年1月25日香港SAT写作考试题目:Should we hold on to the old ones when we havecertain innovations,or just move forward?
1. 2014年1月25日的题目历印证了历年1月份都是常规题目这个规律,根据题目assignment中的对比关键字“oldones”和“innovations”,我们可以把它归类为挑战传统和创新类(challengingtraditions and creativity)。这个类型是SAT写作上课老师介绍的基本款之一,观点倾向新兴事物和创新思想,在05到13年中出现了不低于60次的高频率,在近两年出现过类似的题目如下:
2013. 06. Are people likely to succeed byrepeating actions that worked for them in the past?
2012. 03. Does tradition prevent people fromdoing things in new or more sensible ways?
2. 当然,这道题目也可以归类为科技影响类(technology),观点倾向科技会给人们生活带来负面影响或反效果, 类似的题目如下:
2012. 01. Does improvement or progress usuallyinvolve a significant drawback or problem of some kind?
准备名人素材切忌贪多而不深入,尽量根据自己的兴趣爱好,选择大家听过名字但具体不太了解的名人,根据题型分类进行对人物深入挖掘,并把整理的资料网站等归纳好,把一些factshighlight出来。需要10分以上的同学最好能够准备一些历史事件(historical events)或文学作品(literature work)。以下是两个选材示范:
Andrew Carnegie-提到这个白手起家的钢铁大王,很多人都会引用他在匹茨堡新颖而简单的炼钢技术,使大批量和低成本钢成为可能性。我们也可以挖掘一个名人比较鲜为人知的知识。Carnegie还在美国内战期间采用电报,它编码迅速,以点线构成的基本系统。战争信息原来要传令员跋山涉水的传达通过电报网瞬间能够完成,而在战场信息的速度使林肯有了全局视野,随时跟踪战争情况,为战争胜利奠定基础。Underhis organization, the telegraph service rendered efficient service to the Unioncause and significantly assisted in the eventual victory.
Frankenstein- A novel written by Mary Shelleyreflecting at the prime time of Industrial Revolution, when massive productionwas replacing manual labor force. By portraying how a hideously ugly monstercreated by a scientist Victor conducted a series of killings, the novel revealsthat ruthless pursuit of technology proves counterproductive, as Victor’s act of creation eventually results in thedestruction of everyone dear to him, and Walton(the narrator of the story)finds himself perilously trapped between sheets of ice.
Old Stale, banal, trite, hackneyed,decadent
New epochal, innovative,revolutionary, radical, groundbreaking, originative, newfangled
(n.)pioneer,trailblazer, harbinger, herald, vanguard, spearheading, trendsetter
Fetter yoke, trammel, rein, curb , cap, shackle, manacle
challenge defy, overturn, doubt,question,subvert, rebel, debunk