托福口语的6个task 在评分的阶段切分成了三个大块,考官根据每个大块考生的答题表现给出评分等级(Weak, Limited, Fair, Good)。task 1 和task 2 是口语的第一大块,familiar topics;task 3和task 5属于第二大块,campussituations; task 4和task 6是第三大块,academic course contents.
笔者在这跟大家分享一下校园话题task 3阅读部分的答题方向和要点。
Task 3是口语综合任务的第一部分,答好task 3的题目不仅可以给后面的综合部分题目作热身,而且还可以为后面的答题树立一定的信心。因此,答好第三部分有着很重要的意义。Task 3包括reading,listening & speaking 三个任务。在reading部分,考生将会看到一篇75-100字的短文,部分文章会达到110字左右。文章主要是关于学校做出的一个声明,根据TPO的题目,声明的主要内容有学校做出的决定,计划,提议,公告等等。除了学校做出的声明,还有一类的阅读类型是学生给学校或者学校某个负责人写的一封信,阅读中我们会看到I think, I propose等内容,部分阅读结尾处还能看到有落款人的姓名。根据笔者对TPO前30套题目的统计,第一类的阅读占了19套,第二类型的阅读有11套。考场上阅读时间是45秒,如果文章超过110字,考生将得到50秒的阅读时间。阅读时间结束,系统会自动进入听力部分。下面我们以TPO 的两篇task 3阅读做一个分析。
Sculpture Courses to Be DiscontinuedUniversity administrators announced yesterday that the sculpture program, a division of the art department, will be eliminated. “The main reason is a lack of student interest,” reported one administrator. “Although the number of art students has increased, fewer and fewer artmajors are taking sculpture classes.” Furthermore, the department’s only sculpture professor is retiring this year. “Given the art department’s limited budget,” the administrator explained, “it just doesn’t make sense to hire a newfull-time professor to teach sculpture for only a handful of students.”
在这篇阅读中,我们看到第一句话是University administrators announced yesterday that the sculptureprogram, a division of the art department, will be eliminated. 这时我们应该迅速记下几个关键词: announce, sculpture program, will be eliminated. 记下这几个关键词,我们对学校的声明已经很清楚了,稍微加工便可以组织成一句完整的话。
接下来,我们看第一句话后面的句子,迅速定位好连接词。我们通过快速浏览可以看到Furthermore这个连接词,后面的内容是thedepartment’s only sculpture professor is retiring this year. 第一个原因一定是在furthermore这个词的前面,我们读完后找到The main reason is a lack of student interest这句关键句。至此,两个reason顺利拿下。
The university that , because ; what’s more, .
第一条横线内我们要填入的是announced, 根据实际情况有可能会填入plan,decide等等不同的词。第二条横线填入学校announce的内容,the sculpture program will be eliminated. 此处我们可以根据自身的英语能力选择是否对句子进行paraphrase。 如果能进行某些词汇的替换对我们的得分当然更有利。比如,我们可以此处阅读中的eliminate换成cancel。最后,把模板剩下两条横线的内容填入两个reason的内容,阅读部分就搞定了。这里要提醒考生的是,综合任务所有题目的答题时间是60秒。考生在答题时,分布给阅读的时间不能太长,控制在20秒以内,因为综合任务的听力部分才是我们复述的重点,千万不要主次颠倒。
History Seminars Should Be ShorterCurrently, all of the seminar classes in the history department are three hours long. I would like to propose that history seminars be shortened to two hours. I make this proposal for two reasons. First, most students just cannot concentrate for three hours straight. I myself have taken these three-hour seminars and found them tiring and sometimes boring. Also, when a seminar lasts that long, people stop concentrating and stop learning, so the third hour of a three-hour seminar is a waste of everyone’s time. Two-hour seminars would be much more efficient.
我们看到第一句话是Currently, all of the seminar classes in the history department arethree hours long。但这一句并不是学校的声明,因为我们没有看到announce, plan, decide等的词语。所以我们继续看第二句话,I would like to propose that history seminars be shortened to twohours。看到I would like topropose就能迅速确定此类阅读属于第二类,把关键词记下:propose, history seminar, shorten to two hours. 稍加组织,阅读的主旨我们就抓住了。接下来同样通过连接词抓住学生表达意见或想法的原因。
我们可以看到明显的两个连接词: first 以及 also。通过阅读,不难分析两个连接词后most students just cannot concentrate for three hours straight 和 the third hour of a three-hour seminar is a waste of everyone’s time就是我们要总结的内容。接下来我们把这些信息套入模板,阅读内容就大功告成。不过,由于第二类阅读与第一类阅读稍微有些差异,我们在模板上也要稍作调整。
A student that , because ; also, .
A student proposes that history seminar should beshortened from three hours to two hours, because the student thinks that studentscould not concentrate for three hours long; also, the student believes that thethird hour of the seminar is a waste of time.
根据我们对TPO两篇阅读的分析,我们在task3需要抓住文章中两大关键信息并且根据我们提前准备好的模板套入。在阅读部分考生需要有一定的阅读能力以及阅读速度,迅速找到重点并且记下关键词。最后,我们需要在20秒内的时间说出总结好的信息,这也需要同学们有一定的语言组织能力,而不是简单的关键词叠加。只要做到这几个点,task 3的阅读我们就可以顺利拿下了。