
2015年02月08日 生活在美国

看热闹】 rubberneck

这个词真是形象,那些看热闹,围观的人,伸长脖子看热闹的人好像长了橡胶脖子,They stretch their necks to watch what's happening, right?

Rubberneck也可作动词。如果因为大家看热闹,整条街大堵车,就是 The traffic was bumper-to-bumper because of rubbernecking.

Bumper, 是汽车保险杠,bumper-to-bumper, 就是汽车一辆紧挨着一辆,慢慢往前拱。So bumper-to-bumper means cars are moving so slowly that their bumpers are almost touching.

如果一不小心六辆车撞在一起了! Ouch... a six-car pileup! pileup 就是连环车祸!


【及时行乐】 to eat, drink and be merry


有的人天性消沉,老说丧气话打击别人,比如你说爱游泳,他说小心被淹,你说爱旅游,他说旅游就是花钱买罪受!这种人可以用Debbie downer.

Debbie downer refers to those who are so negative and always bring down the mood of other people.

如果一个人积极向上,比较阳光,可以说He has a sunny personality.

所以,阴沉丧气的人是Debbie downer, 阳光向上的性格是sunny personality, 及时行乐则是to eat, drink and be merry.

【冷幽默】dry humor

With dry humor, the emphasis is not on funny facial expressions or exaggerated body moves, rather, it's the joke itself that's really humorous.


有时,大家为了找乐子,会讲几个荤段子,叫"off-color jokes."

The most common off-color jokes are about sex, but they can also touch on violence, ethnic groups or other impolite topics.off-color jokes, 除了情色内容,还可以是别的有冒犯性的话题。

所以,冷幽默是dry humor; 荤段子off-color jokes.

But, humor is hard to get in foreign language.所以,还得努力学习地道美语!


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