今天EB5Sir提供的是,Kyle Walker先生(IIUSA会员委员会主任/绿卡基金执行董事)就此草案的解读。有需要该草案英文原文的朋友,请微信公众号留言索取。
•创造就业 - I-526表格I-829表格
•持续投资(Sustained Investment)
•处于风险状态(At Risk)的投资
•再投资(Redeployment of Capital Investment)
• 实质性变更(Material Change)
1. I-526获批前的实质性变更(Material Change)
这份备忘录并没有改变USCIS,对于在I-526获批前的Material Change需要重新递交I-526申请的,这一重大立场。USCIS援引了Izummi判例,然而,这不是Izummi判例的实际体现(Carolyn Lee撰写了一篇很好的有关文章)。最根本的问题是,USCIS的态度将使得,在I-526的14-18个月的审批期间发生的Material Change,将会致使I-526需要重新递案,然后又是一个14-18个月的等待审理期间。不幸的是,这是一个非常低效和浪费资源的做法。
2. USCIS并没有改变其何时开始证明就业的政策
3. I-829审理期间,并不需要维持就业创造
4. 有条件居留状态之前创造的就业
第6页,USCIS指出,(由于排期)申请人可以获得有条件居留之前创造的就业,这些就业是有效的,而且申请人尚未获得有条件居留状态,将不被认定为Material Change。
5. 再投资
第7页,USCIS明确,在排期出现的情况下,如果项目按计划完成并创造来了足够的就业后,NCE(新商业企业)获得了投资款退还,此笔资金可以重新投入到另一个风险投资"at risk"活动中去,这样不会造成I-829被拒或撤销。再投资对于那些由于排期被延迟的申请人来说,符合风险资金的要求。
EB5Sir注:这里指JCE(就业创造企业)的项目完成后,按照协议还款给NCE,然后NCE可以继续去投资,而不是还款给投资者(因为排期造成的延迟,I-829尚未获批,要求投资”at risk“,不能还款给投资者)。
6. 关于还款/清算时间表的修订
第7页,USCIS声明,区域中心可以修改包括偿还计划或清算条文在内的文件,这样NCE可以继续运营(受排期影响的申请人两年的有条件居留状态),这样的变更将不被认定为Material Change。
原文作者:Kyle Walker先生(IIUSA会员委员会主任/绿卡基金执行董事)。
On August 10th, 2015 USCIS released for public comments Policy Memorandum, PM-602-0121 – “Guidance on Job Creation Requirement and Sustainment of Investment for EB-5 Adjudication Form I-526 and Form I-829.” This Policy Memorandum (PM) provides guidance on job creation requirements and the requirement to sustain the investment during the conditional residence period.
Items Discussed:
·Job Creation – Form I-526 and Form I-829
·Sustained Investment
·At Risk Capital Investment
·Redeployment of Capital Investment
·Material Change
The questions of job creation timing and sustained capital investment have grown in importance as Mainland Chinese born petitioners face retrogression.
Summary of Key Findings:
1.Material Change prior to I-526 approval
The memo does not alter the USCIS position that a material change prior to I-526 approval would require a re-filing of the I-526. USCIS cites Matter of Izummi; however, that is not what matter of Izummi actually holds (Carolyn Lee has a good article on this). The bottom line is that USCIS’s position remains that a material change during the 14 to 18 months that an I-526 is pending requires re-filing and a second waiting period of 14 to 18 months for adjudication. Unfortunately this is an inefficient and wasteful practice.
2.USCIS is not changing its policy as to when the period for proving job creation commences
Regarding China retrogression, USCIS takes the position that it cannot predict that retrogression will have any significant adverse effect, and therefore USCIS is not prepared to change its current policy regarding commencement of the period within which sustained investment and job creation must be proved.
3.Jobs need not be sustained through the time of I-829 adjudication
In the middle of page 3 there is a helpful paragraph that states that created jobs need not be sustained until the time of I-829 adjudication, as long as the petitioner can show that the jobs were created as a result of the petitioner’s investment.
4.Jobs created prior to start of conditional status
On page 6, USCIS includes a helpful statement that if jobs are created based on an petitioner’s investment PRIOR to the time when the (Chinese retrogressed) petitioner can get conditional status, those jobs count and the fact that the petitioner does not yet have conditional status is NOT a material change.
5.Re-deployment of Investment Capital
On page 7, USCIS confirms that in the case of retrogression, if the NCE obtains refund of investment after the project is completed according to plan and sufficient jobs are created, the funds can be re-deployed in another “at risk” activity without causing the petition to be denied or revoked. Re-deployment appears to meet the requirement of “at risk” funds for those petitioners who are delayed by retrogression
6.Amendments regarding repayment/liquidation schedule
Also on page 7, USCIS states that an RC may amend documents that include a repayment schedule or liquidation provision to allow the NCE to continue to operate through the two-year conditional status of its retrogressed petitioners, and this will NOT be considered a material change.