发件人:Hook Huang <[email protected]>
发送时间:2015-04-16 01:32
收件人:"Hook Huang"<[email protected]>
作为圣劳伦斯大学校董事会成员和圣劳伦斯大学中国留学生校友我要祝贺你们,我的中国"乡亲们"。我很骄傲有这么多中国学生通过了我母校严格的录取程序,这不仅显示了你们在学术和智慧上的成绩,也证明了你们有能力有自觉要成长为求是的思想人和终身不倦的学者 - 这也正是liberal arts教育的目标。
我也想简单解释一下把liberal arts翻译成"文科"是不完全正确的。liberal arts是一个教育的规范,不限文科理科。重要的是多方面多角度多学科 - 例如中国传统的博学体制。通过系统的学习多个学科我们培养的是广泛的学习新知识培养新技能的能力,和自己设计研究以及与别人合作交流的能力。
我是北京人,生在北大荒853农场,在北京长大。初中在汇文中学,高中在北师大实验中学。大一从北京大学心理学系下海做了几年生意。1999年来美国上大学,希望随后能在世界上最好的商学院学MBA。刚刚到美国的时候英文还不够基本交流的水平,第一天就因为听不懂公车司机报站提前了15公里下车 - 深更半夜自己一个人两个皮箱卡在车站。因祸得福,一对年轻美国"北方"人用他们提贴周到的帮助给了我最好的对美国文化民风的第一课。
我在三年里完成了经济和数学/计算机的双学士,在我的毕业班排第三名。通过圣劳伦斯广博的校友网络我在美国六大经济咨询公司之一找到一份工作,住在波士顿 - 你们可能记得"打倒有点儿软"的年代,我的公司是帮助微软打官司的专家 :)。两年后我加入了一个刚刚起步的对冲基金做操盘助理,后来逐步成为一个250亿美元交易团队的主管。我还介绍了一个圣劳伦斯的同学来帮助我管理电脑技术方面的需求。
2011年五月我终于完成了我来美国最初的心愿 在纽约的哥伦比亚大学商学院完成了Executive MBA学位,获前五名荣誉。有趣的是,我的经济数学和计算机背景比我在哥伦比亚的大部分同学都要好的多 事实是从课程水平来说,全美最好的liberal arts学院,不论是哈佛,哥伦比亚,还是圣劳伦斯,都没有太大的区别。小一些的学校教授学生比例高,教授科研压力低,所以教授和学生直接交流的机会多得多。哥伦比亚大学一门课常常上百人,教授讲完课走人很少注意个别学生,所有交流都是跟助教。
去年二月份我和几个志同道合的朋友创建了一个新的统计套利对冲基金Engineers Gate,主要投资人是美国历史上最成功的一位对冲基金老总,Glenn Dubin,我任营运总监(COO)。这一年里我从圣劳伦斯招了三个实习生,都是留学生,一位是中国学生。
回顾我的事业历程圣劳伦斯的贡献之一是帮助我和各个年龄事业人生阶段的校友们建立联系。圣劳伦斯特有的文化氛围帮助我们建立终生的友谊。举例来说我大学时参加过两次"shadow a saint"- 到老一辈校友工作的地方访问一天。我第一次访问的校友是一家美国大银行的总裁,他把公司每个部门的副总排了个时间表一个个轮流给我介绍银行的运作。第二个校友现在是GE非洲区的总裁,那时候是另一个GE分公司的金融总裁这个经历帮助我拿到一份GE的暑假实习工作。我还参加过两个年轻一代校友赞助的金融方面的集体访问,在波士顿访问一个校友的风险投资基金,和在纽约访问那时候CSFB自营交易的主管,那是我对金融交易兴趣的开始。帮助我找到机会是一方面,更重要的是圣劳伦斯的liberal arts教育给我做好了把握机会的准备,不论是从学习能力还是对美国文化的理解。通过全美最好的国际交流学习程序之一圣劳伦斯也帮助了我培养作为
再次祝贺你们 - 希望在不久的将来在圣劳伦斯再见。
Subject: Greetings from Zhihong “Hook” Huang (Trustee, St. Lawrence University)
To my soon-to-be fellow Chinese Laurentians -
As a Trustee of St. Lawrence University and a former international student from Beijing, I am absolutely thrilled to see that so many of my compatriots have met the high standards required to be admitted to my alma mater - congratulations on your achievements, not only in your academic standing and intellectual potentials, but also your demonstrated capacity and desire to become reflective thinkers and lifelong learners - an essential goal of our liberal arts education.
I look forward to meeting you soon in my first "hometown" in the US - our warm community in Canton. But first let me share with you my contact and a bit background in case I can be of any assistance to your journey. I encourage you, as well as your parents and significant others, to contact me with any question, concern, or general feedback.
A bit about myself - after graduating from the Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University, I spent a year or so studying Psychology in Peking University but ultimately decided to start my own business instead. In 1999 I came to the USA to restart my college education with the ultimate goal of getting an MBA from a top business school. On arrival my ability to communicate in English was so limited that I got off my bus at a wrong station - 10 miles away from the university - in the middle of the night. It was, however, a fortunate incident as I ended up crossing path with a young North Country couple who went so much out of their way to help me get to the campus safely - it was the beginning of my introduction to America - a great culture and people.
After getting my Bachelor’s with double major in Economics and Math/Computer Science, I leveraged our vast and close knit alumni network to land a job at one of the top economics consulting firms in Boston (remember Microsoft anti-trust lawsuits, we were the experts defending them :p). Two years later I started a trading career in a startup hedge fund and eventually became the head quantitative trader running a $25billion trading desk. I even brought onboard one of my St. Lawrence classmates to manage the technology side. In May 2011 I finally accomplished the last piece of my original American dream - by getting an Executive MBA from Columbia University Business School in New York. One interesting piece of fact I’d like to share with you is that I found my economics and math education from St. Lawrence quite a bit more advanced than my Columbia classmates – which testifies to the point that the differentiation in terms of curriculum among top liberal arts colleges in the US is quite minor. However, smaller and tighter communities like what we enjoy at St. Lawrence offer much more opportunities for direct interaction between students and professors. At Harvard or Columbia, undergraduate students rarely get any individual attention from professors – most interactions are with teaching assistants. While St. Lawrence faculty always enjoy spending time with students outside classrooms – most of us graduate with lifelong friendship with professors. Such an environment tends to benefit the harder working and more prepared students – I assume most if not all of you belong to this group.
In February last year I joined a group of ambitious friends and set out to built the best quantitative hedge fund in the world. The company is called Engineers Gate and is seeded by one of the most established hedge fund managers, Glenn Dubin. I am the COO and handles all aspects of operations from trading to personnel to counterparty relations.
Looking back I must credit my success to St. Lawrence’s ability to bring together Laurentians, current students and well established alums alike, and help us establish and maintain life-long bound. I benefited greatly from my visits to two prominent Laurentians through a program called “Shadow a Saint” - one of them just retired as the head of a national bank, and the other is running a major division of GE. I also attribute my choice of a career in finance to the two career planning trips sponsored by two younger alums - one was leading a venture capital firm in Boston, and the other the head of proprietary trading at CSFB in NYC. More importantly, however, I thank the university community for helping me understand American culture, get to know American people, and, through one of the best international exchange programs, become a true world citizen. I sincerely hope you are looking to accomplish similar goals through your college education at St. Lawrence University.
Once again congratulations - I look forward to hearing from you and meeting you all very soon.
This message may contain confidential information and is for intended recipient only.
Hook Z. Huang
Chief Operations Office
Engineers Gate
640 Fifth Ave 19th Floor
New York, NY 10019
Office (646) 757-2770
美国赛凯留学咨询热线 13501024582 QQ:287015284