深圳新东方托福每日一讲 Day 13 托福阅读之长难句断句法

2014年05月05日 美国留学那些事儿





The pursuit was seen as the road ratherthan the public obligation and involvement.


The pursuit (of private interests) (with aslittle interference as possible) (from government) was seen as the road (tohuman happiness and progress) rather than the public obligation and involvement(in the collective community) (that was emphasized by the Greeks).

细心的读者会发现,整个句子的主干并没有发生变化,只是在原句中的几个名词词组the pursuit, the road, the publicobligation and involvement后面各自添加了修饰成分(包括介词短语、定语从句),即成功地拉长了整个句子,而句子的意思也清楚明确了:尽可能没有政府干预地对个人利益的追求,而不是希腊人所强调的集体社区中的公共义务和参与,被看做是通往人类幸福和进步的道路,。

由此可以看出英语句子拉长的原理1即是在名词后添加修饰成分,包括形容词短语、介词短语、不定式、分词短语、同位语从句、定语从句等(如果是单个的形容词或分词修饰则放名词前面)。因此我们“独门断句法”的第1招即是在长难句中的名词后面进行断句。直接上例子:Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are to ourminds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast andcool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly andsurely drew their plans against us.

这个句子在笔者的教学中曾经让无数学生焦头烂额不知所云,但是根据我们的“独门断句法”第1招断句后即可以变成下面这个样子:Yet across the gulf of space, minds/that are to our minds/ as ours areto those/ of the beasts/ that perish, intellects/ vast and cool andunsympathetic, regarded this earth/with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans/ against us.




He measured brain volumes.

He measured brain volumes (of a thousandpeople)( of different ages and varying occupations).

(With a team) (of colleagues) (at Tokyo National University), he measuredbrain volumes (of a thousand people)( of different ages and varyingoccupations).

以上两步,仅仅通过添加介词短语,即可将原来的短易句整形成长难句。针对此原理,“独门断句法”的第2招即是在长难句中的介词前面进行断句。例句:The folk knowledge in social systems on which ordinarylife is based in earning, spending, organizing, marrying, taking part inpolitical activities, fighting and so on , is not very dissimilar from the moresophisticated images of the social system derived from thesocial sciences, even though it is built upon the very imperfect samples ofpersonal experience.

断句后:The folk knowledge/ in social systems/ onwhich ordinary life is based/ inearning, spending, organizing, marrying, taking part in political activities,fighting and so on , is not very dissimilar/ from the more sophisticated images/ of the social system derived/ from the social sciences, even though it is built/ upon the very imperfect samples/ of personal experience.



学英语的学生对于从句两字肯定不陌生,这也是英语句子盛产长难句的主要原因之一:把好端端的一个句子当成词来使用,比如说名词(名词性从句)、形容词(定语从句)、副词(状语从句)。唯一值得欣慰的一点就是,这些句子前面都会有一个明显的信号词(从句引导词),表明其从句的身份,因此我们可以从这点下手,分解长难句,“独门断句法”的第3招即是在长难句中的从句引导词(egthat/what/which/who/whom/when/where/why)前断句。例句:He was puzzled that I did not want what was obviouslya “step up” toward what all Americans are taught to want when they growup: money and power.

断句后:He was puzzled/ thatI did not want/ what was obviously a“step up” toward/ what all Americansare taught to want/ when theygrow up: money and power.





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