
2014年11月08日 美国加州地产与投资

小编的话:这里很多家长都是为了孩子的教育而选择了移居美国。在加州湾区这个遍地是精英的地方,如何能让孩子们开心而又出色的成长,是每个湾区的华人家长所关心的共同话题。本周不谈房市不谈投资,针对11月4日刚刚发生在斯坦福大学边著名高中Gunn High的高中生卧轨事件,转载一篇《菁kids》杂志上的及时好文,与各位家长共享。


美国加州的Palo Alto帕罗奥多是众所周知的硅谷发源地,也是世界闻名的斯坦福大学所在地,距离高科技公司谷歌、Facebook,惠普、很多著名风险投资以及法律事务机构都只有十来分钟车程,不少知名行业人士安家于此。小城有一百多年历史,气候怡人,四季花开,到处是花园、公园、孩子游乐场、图书馆,还有自然保护区和一个迷你动物园。人口6万左右,却有近30座中小学校,而且全部在美国学校评鉴中达到9或10分。

其中, Henry M.Gunn High 和Palo Alto High两所高中更是享有盛誉,NBA明星林书豪就毕业于Palo Alto High。然而,令人痛心的是,最近几年,连续发生了几起高中学生由于忧郁症自杀的消息。就在上周,2014年11月4日凌晨,16岁的Gunn High学生Cameron Lee在附近的铁路上卧轨,整个社区又笼罩在哀痛之中,网上线下也引发了热烈讨论。






我讲这些是为了提醒你们,在悲痛中,找一个替罪羊是可以理解的。但是,我认为,把发生的一切怪罪到学校和校长身上很不公平。在 Gunn High 学校我们确实感到压力很大,但是,善良的Dr. Hermann在学校里推动了很多令人鼓舞的改革,不应该怪罪他。其实没有人应该为此承担责任。这里有很多原因,但是我们每个人都应该利用这个机会反思一下自己。在GunnHigh,这么多人感觉压力大,并不是因为学校,而是我们这个社区的环境造成的。孩子们要上太多的高级课程,同时还要与课外才艺活动和睡觉时间平衡。全美国的学生们都要参加很多考试,但与大多数地区不同的是,我们这个社区,为了达到“完美”而给自己加上了令人难以承受的压力,我们一直就在这种压力中挣扎着。





Hayley Krolik, Gunn High11年级学生



Hi parents,

Hope you all are doing as well aspossible and holding your children close; I can't imagine how horrifying andstressful this must feel as a parent. My mom was showing me all the emails andI completely understand where you're coming from. However, I'd like to offersome words of comfort and redirect some of the frustration going around.

You have no ideahow supportive the faculty was yesterday. I guess I can only speak for myself,but as the Lees were neighbors and close friends of my family, I was affectedby Cameron's death and I know that there were counselors around every corner tohelp me. Kids were allowed to go home and skip class and really do whateverthey needed. Most teachers did not teach class, and in my English class(Cameron's class as well), we did an amazing and beautiful activity of writingpositive notes to each other that my teacher planned. Everyone was affected bythis tragedy, and everyone was as supportive of each other as possible.

I told you all of this to remindyou that it is understandable, in grief, to find an external scapegoat for theproblem. However, I think it is not fair to blame the school and principal,etc, for what has happened. Gunn is stressful, yes. But people like Dr.Hermann, who has been such a kind and promising change agent at our school, arenot to blame. No one is to blame, and there are so many factors, but Iencourage you all to take this opportunity for self reflection. It is not theschool, but the atmosphere our community has created that makes the stress atGunn so prevalent. Kids are taking so many advanced classes while trying tobalance extracurriculars and even sleep.. Everyone across the country has manytests, but our community still seems to struggle from an overwhelming amount ofpressure that is different than most others: the pressure to achieveperfection.

In a conversation I hadyesterday, we tried to decipher this stigma. My thoughts come down to this:parents want their kids to succeed more than they did themselves as a child,because of course, you love your children. Unfortunately, in a community likeours that is filled with such successful and talented people, this is askingtoo much. This impossible standard causes a ripple effect, making kids feel asif they cannot talk about the problems that exist behind the closed doors of ahome or even their minds because weakness does not fit into perfection. Perfectpeople are not depressed, we think. Even though we are blessed to be a part ofa privileged community, the twisted blessing of a less fortunate community isthat carrying baggage is seen as normal. A sad, but true theme in society.Maybe this is a sign that we need to start creating a more positive culturewhere failure is celebrated. We've said this a million times, but it stilldoesn't seem to work—not only for the parents, but between the kids as well.

We must all watch ourselves andensure that we are embodying what really matters and actually implementing thestructures that promote failure as acceptable and reward effort over accuracy.At school, we cannot view Bs as the end of the world, and we must create anenvironment where all kids feel supported by teachers to grow. At home, youmust check in with your kids, and role model for them that it is okay to feeland to fail. We all have to work together to eliminate the largely contributingfactors to depression in this area. Everyone has to be involved or the effectof our work will only scratch the surface.

I know it's muchharder to change a culture than blame something, but sometimes what's rightisn't easy. Good luck to you all with your task force! I hope that we cantogether, as a community, make change.






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