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2014年07月09日 美国留学真实播报

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作为最后一次演讲稿分享,今天带来了超量的四条!平台主觉得在准备时读的英文演讲稿真的让人受益匪浅,在这个高度信息化的时代大家不妨空余时间自己搜索一下这些演讲稿(或者是多分享平台主的文章啦XD)相信哪怕只读翻译版本也会从中有所收获的。言归正传,今天带来的是Earl Bakken对于努力“飞上天”的解释、John Walsh对于坚持一件事的看法、David L. Calhoun培养自信的方法以及Marc S. Lewis劝诫大家要喜欢自己的演讲。

1. Earl Bakken

  厄尔·巴肯Businessman 商人University of Hawaii 夏威夷大学May 16, 2004

  2004516By all reckoning, the bumblebee is aerodynamically unsound and shouldn't be able to fly. Yet, the little bee gets those wings going like a turbo-jet and flies to every plant its chubby little body can land on to collect all the nectar it can hold.Bumblebees are the most persistent creatures. They don't know they can't fly, so they just keep buzzing around.Never give in to pessimism. Don't know that you can't fly, and you will soar like an eagle. Don't end up regretting what you did not do because you were too lazy or too frightened to soar. Be a bumblebee! And soar to the heavens. You can do it


2. John Walsh

  约翰·沃尔什Author and art historian 作家和艺术历史学家Wheaton College 惠顿学院2000

  2000Do one thing at a time. Give each experience all your attention. Try to resist being distracted by other sights and sounds, other thoughts and tasks, and when it is, guide your mind back to what you're doing.I'm not warning against learning many things on many subjects. My warning is against distraction, whether you invite it or just let it happen. In baseball, high-percentage hitters know better: it's focusthey talk about, and they prize it as much as strength. Psychologists describe skilled rock climbers and tennis players and pianists as going beyond focus, to what they have called a flowexperience, a sense of absorption with the rock or the ball or the music in which the me versus itdisappears and there's a kind of oneness with the task that brings a joyful higher awareness, as well as successful performance. I've had these experiences, too little but not too late, and probably you have, too. They are a supreme kind of pleasure. You will have more of them if you do one thing at a time


3. David L. Calhoun

  大卫·卡尔霍恩Businessman 商人Virginia Tech 弗吉尼亚理工大学May 13, 2005

  2005513I worked for a guy named Jack Welch for twenty years at GE. He was, and is, a great mentor as much as a great leader. If I had to isolate the subject he spoke most passionately to me about, over all those years, it is that SELF CONFIDENCE is the most important, the indispensable characteristic of success, the common characteristic shared by great leaders whose talents may have varied widely in most other respects.So, how do you get it? What is the secret to developing your own brand of self-confidence?First, you must resolve to grow intellectually, morally, technically, and professionally every day through your entire work and family life. You need to ask yourself every day: Am I really up to speed or falling behind? Am I still learning? Or am I just doing the same stuff on a different day or as Otis Redding sings, Sitting on the dock of the bay... watching the tide roll away?The lust for learning is age-independent.Another important way to build your confidence is to seek out the toughest jobs, the most daunting scientific, engineering or management challenges


4. Marc S. Lewis

  马克·刘易斯Clinical psychology professor 临床心理学教授University of Texas at Austin 得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校May 19, 2000

  2000519There are times when you are going to do well, and times when you're going to fail. But neither the doing well, nor the failure is the measure of success. The measure of success is what you think about what you've done. Let me put that another way: The way to be happy is to like yourself and the way to like yourself is to do only things that make you proud.There's that old joke, not very funny, that goes, No matter where you go, there you are。” That's true. The person who you're with most in life is yourself and if you don't like yourself you're always with somebody you don't like



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