
2014年12月17日 无忧美国留学

Adverse and averse

Adverse: harmful or unfavorable

Averse: refers to feelings of dislike oropposition

"I have an aversion to adverse conditions."

Affect and effect

Affect: influence 动词

Effect: outcome 名词

Bring and take

You bring things here andyou take them there. You ask people to bring something to you, and you ask people to take something to someone or somewhere else.

“Can you bring an appetizer to John's party”?Nope.

Compliment and complement

Compliment: to say something nice

Complement: to add to, enhance, improve,complete, or bring close to perfection.

Criteria and criterion

Criterion: standard

Criteria: criterion的复数

Discreet and discrete

Discreet: careful, cautious, showing good judgment

Discrete: individual, separate, or distinct

Elicit and illicit

Elicit: to draw out or coax.

Illicit: illegal or unlawful

Farther and further

Farther involves a physical distance

Further involves a figurative distance

Fewer and less

Use fewer when referring to items you cancount, like “fewer hours” or “fewer dollars.”

Use “less” when referring to items you can’t (or haven’t tried to) count, like “less time” or “less money.”

Imply and infer

The speaker or writer implies, which means to suggest. The listener or reader infers, which means to deduce, whether correctly or not.

Insure and ensure

Insure refers to insurance. Ensure means to make sure.

Number and amount

Use number when you can count what you refer to: "The number of subscribers who opted out increased last month."

Amount refers to a quantity of something that can't be counted: "The amount of alcohol consumed at our last company picnic was staggering."

Precede and proceed

Precede: to come before.

Proceed: to begin or continue.

Principal and principle

A principle (原则) is a fundamental: "Our culture is based on a set of sharedprinciples."

Principal (重要) means primary or of first importance: "Our startup'sprincipal is located in NYC."

It's and its

It's = it is.

Its = owned by it

You're and your

You’re = you are

Your = owned by you

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