Paragraph 2: Nearly any kind of plant of the forestunderstory can be part of a deer's diet. Where the forest inhibits the growth of grass and other meadowplants, the black-tailed deer browses on huckleberry, salal, dogwood, andalmost any other shrub or herb. But this is fair-weather feeding. What keepsthe black-tailed deer alive in the harsher seasons of plant decay and dormancy?One compensation for not hibernating is the built-in urge to migrate. Deer maymove from high-elevation browse areas in summer down to the lowland areas inlate fall. Even with snow on the ground, the high bushy understory is exposed;also snow and wind bring down leafy branches of cedar, hemlock, red alder, andother arboreal fodder.
It can be inferred from the discussion in paragraph 2that winter conditions
A. cause some deer to hibernate
B. make food unavailable in the highlands for deer
C. make it easier for deer to locate understory plants
D. prevent deer from migrating during the winter
所有报读过笔者的新东方托福强化课程的小盆友都知道,推断题(inference question)和事实信息题、否定信息题一样,以“找关键词+定位”为切入点。本题的关键词为winter conditions,代回原文定位时发现,作者并没有直接提及winter,但段落的最后一句话说到了snow。所以我们以本段的最后一句作为重点阅读的信息以寻求突破的可能:Even withsnow on the ground, the high bushy understory is exposed; also snow and windbring down leafy branches of cedar, hemlock, red alder, and other arborealfodder. 看懂了这句话的我们立即迫不及待的去搜索选项,却发现这句话的内容是无法与任何选项匹配的。于是,我们意识到,只阅读这句话的信息量是不够的,我们需要像强化班上演示过的那样——关注推断题定位范围的放大现象。具体来说,我们注意到了本句话开头的even一词。Even是一个揭示让步关系的逻辑连接词(让步=以退为进、退一步海阔天空,即通过退让一步,实现对上文观点的支持),所以我们的视线在even的指引下来到了上一句,即本段的倒数第二句:Deer may movefrom high-elevation browse areas in summer down to the lowland areas in latefall.这句话大致说,鹿从夏天的高海拔地区搬到深秋的低地。接下来,作者就写到Even withsnow on the ground, the high bushy understory is exposed; also snow and windbring down leafy branches of cedar, hemlock, red alder, and other arborealfodder.——就算地上有雪,高的某种植物可以被暴露出来;雪和风可以把各种树木的带叶子的枝条带落下来。在刚才定位关键词的过程中,我们很容易发现段落的第一句就开始讲述deer’s diet。所以我们可以明白,even这句提到的high bushy understory和leafy branches of cedar, hemlock, red alder, and otherarboreal fodder都是鹿的食物。因此,我们精确阅读的“Deer may movefrom high-elevation browse areas in summer down to the lowland areas in latefall. Even with snow on the ground, the high bushy understory is exposed; alsosnow and wind bring down leafy branches of cedar, hemlock, red alder, and otherarboreal fodder.”这两句话的内在逻辑展现为:鹿从高的地方搬到低的地方,低的地方有吃的,所以高的地方没有吃的。正确选项是B。
但接下来,我们还必须解决一个棘手的问题:我终于明白了B是正确的选项,可C选项哪里错了呢?高的地方没有食物(正如B选项所说),鹿从高的地方搬家到低的地方,就找到了食物,那对鹿来说,搬家之后找食物不就是变得更容易了么?这和C选项所表述的make it easier for deer to locate understory plants是多么的吻合啊!!作为32套TPO中失误率最高的阅读题目之一,作为一道可以导致90%的同学为之付出代价的题目,本题的C选项有着怎样难以抗拒的魅力?
现在,请大家跟笔者一起回到本题的问题中,再次认真的重温一遍关键词:winter conditions。假如选择C,问题和选项C便组合成了winter conditions make iteasier for deer to locate understory plants。大家发现疑点了么?是冬季使得鹿定位食物变得更容易么?应该是冬季导致鹿定位食物变得更困难,所以鹿才苦逼的搬家来获取食物吧。那究竟是什么使得鹿定位食物变得更容易了呢?答案是——migration。
Paragraph 5: Even the kind of stability defined as simplelack of change is not always associated with maximum diversity. At least intemperate zones, maximum diversity is often found in mid-successional stages,not in the climax community. Once a redwood forest matures, for example, thekinds of species and the number of individuals growing on the forest floor arereduced. In general, diversity, by itself, does not ensure stability.Mathematical models of ecosystems likewise suggest that diversity does not guaranteeecosystem stability—just the opposite, in fact. A more complicated system is,in general, more likely than a simple system to break down. A fifteen-speedracing bicycle is more likely to break down than a child’s tricycle.
Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 5about redwood forests?
A. They become less stable as they mature.
B. They support many species when they reach climax.
C. They are found in temperate zones.
D. They have reduced diversity during mid-successionalstages.