1. What one invention would you uninvent if you could, and why? (Brandeis University)
如果你想让一项发明消失,你会选择哪一项? 为什么? (布兰迪斯大学 - USNews全美大学排名第32位)
2. Every name tells a story: Tell us about your name – any name: first, middle, last, nickname – and its origin. (Dartmouth College)
每个人的名字都是一个故事: 告诉我们你名字的来源和它带来的故事吧 (达特茅斯学院 - 常青藤 USNews全美大学排名第10位)
3. Describe your favorite "Bazinga" moment. (Lehigh University)
描述你最喜欢的Bazinga时刻 (里海大学 - USNews全美大学排名第41位. 不知道Bazinga的同学最好别申请这所大学了,说明它的文化根本不适合你)
4. What matters to you and why? (Stanford Universty)
对你来说什么重要? 为什么? (斯坦福大学 - USNews全美大学排名第5位, 上一个申请季录取比例最低的名校)
5. Celebrate your nerdy side (Tufts University)
自豪的展示你书呆子的一面吧! (塔夫斯大学 - USNews全美大学排名第28位)
6. Little pigs, french hens, a family of bears. Blind mice, musketeers, the Fates. Parts of an atom, laws of thought, a guideline for composition. Omne trium perfectum? Create your own group of threes, and describe why and how they fit together. (University of Chicago – inspired by student in the Class of 2018)
创作你的"三字经" - 告诉我们这三个词为什么能结合在一起 ,怎么结合在一起 (芝加哥大学 - USNews全美大学排名第5位)
7. To tell us more about yourself, please complete the following sentences using only the space provided.
When I grow up...
The most interesting fact I ever learned from research was...
In addition to my major, my academic interests include...
My favorite thing about last Wednesday...
Someone who influences me is... (University of Maryland)
影响了我的某人是... (马里兰大学 - USNews全美大学排名第65位)
8. UNC Professor Barbara Fredrickson – an expert in positive emotions – has defined love as “micro-moments of connection between people, even strangers.” Tell us about a time when you experienced a “micro-moment of connection.” What did you learn? (University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill)
正能量专家,北卡大学教授Barbara Fredrickson曾经把爱定义为:一种人与人之间,甚至陌生人之间产生联系的瞬间。告诉我们你曾经感受过这种联系的瞬间,你从中学到了什么? (北卡罗来纳大学 - 教堂山 - USNews全美大学排名第30位)
9. What outrages you? Why? (Wake Forest University)
什么会让你勃然大怒? 为什么? (维克森林大学 - USNews全美大学排名第23位)
10. Imagine yourself in a tutorial at Williams. Of anyone in the world, whom would you choose to be the other student in the class, and why? (Williams College)
想象你正在威廉姆斯学院参加一个小班学习,如果让你在世界上的所有人当中选一位作为你的同学,你会选择谁? 为什么? (威廉姆斯学院 - USNews全美文理学院排名第1位)
11. Consider the meaning of ''fair''. What impact does fairness – perceived or actual – have in society and your life? Has fairness ever helped or hurt you personally? At what cost or benefit to you or others? (Washington and Lee University)
思考"公平"一词的意义。什么影响了社会和你生活中的公平,无论是意识上的还是实际发生的。公平是否帮助或者伤害过你? 这个帮助或者伤害的程度如何? (华盛顿与李大学 - USNews全美文理学院排名第14位)
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