1.Hey, what the hell are you doing? 嘿,你这是在做什么呢?
Who the hell is Mike Franks? 迈克弗兰克到底是谁?
Who the hell do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?
点评:疑问词+ the hell 是惊讶或生气的时候用来强调的表达,比what the heck … 更委婉一些。
对比:what the heck was all that about? 这些到底都是些什么事情啊?
2.You look like you're sitting on pins and needles. 你看起来如坐针毡
pin and needle: 想必大家都知道它的意思吧 -- 针。
3.“Lighten up. You are such a stick-in-the-mud. There's nothing unseemly about cracking a few jokes when everybody here is taking themselves too seriously. ”
Lighten up: 指放轻松一点;也可以是说Loosen up
crack a few jokes: 就是开开玩笑的意思
4. Her heart is in the right place,but her head is in the clouds. I don’t think I've ever met a more absent-minded person.
heart in the right place: 心是真诚正直的,
head is in the clouds: 脑子云里雾里,开小差的意思
5. I’m going to call her right now and pin her down. She needs to attend to the nitty-gritty if this project is going to get done.
pin sb down: 催使某人做出明确的决定
attend to: 就是care to 关心的意思,nitty-gritty 就是我们说的事情细节。
6. I like movies that are short and sweet. After about 90 minutes, my mind starts to wander, and after two hours, I check out.
Short and sweet:简洁明了
my mind starts to wander: 头脑开始走神
check out 完全不能专注
7.Sometimes, I watch a movie and it’s so engrossing that time zips by. With other movies,though, time moves at a snail’s pace. This movie is somewhere inbetween.
zip by: 时间飞逝; move at a snail's pace: 像蜗牛一样移动
8. Both Paul and Clark are qualified for the job, but Clark is a blowhard. He was too full of himself.
Blowhard: 吹大牛的人;full of himself: 自负
9. Welcome to the firm. Are you getting the hang of things here?
初次来到公司或学校,需要熟悉环境和它的运行机制;当说 get the hang of things 时,是指熟悉或掌握这的诀窍的意思。
10. I’ve been working out lately. 我最近一直在健身
Work out: 表示健身,锻炼身体的意思。
例如 I am going to the gym to work out.
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