2014 年托福写作考试趋势分析

2014年01月02日 美国留学那些事儿

2013 年是ETS 对托福考试实施全面改革的第7 个年头,纵览本年度独立写作的命题,不难发现,其仍然符合近几年ETS 的出题规律,预计该趋势在今后的几年内仍将持续。例如Agree or Disagree为独立写作的重点题型,具有代表性的话题种类则包括:1. 友谊交际类;2. 教育类;3. 科技类;4. 环保类;5. 经济类;6. 文化类;7. 个人成功类;8. 人生观、价值观;9. 社会生活类;10. 传媒类。

总体而言,2013 年独立写作的话题呈现生活化的特点,诸多题目与人们的日常生活息息相关,这表明ETS 并非提倡应试者对高深理论进行空洞之谈,而是更希望考生充分利用各种实例支撑论点,并在论证过程中全面展现其准确应用语言传达思想的能力。

2013 年出现频率较高的独立写作话题种类包括:

1. 教育类

2013 6 8 日题目:Some students prefer to have their final gradesdetermined by numerous small assignments, whereas others prefer to have theirfinal grades determined by only a few large ones. Which do you prefer and why?

2. 科技环保类

2013 3 22 日题目: Though modern agricultural practices damage theenvironment, feeding the world's growing population is more important than protectingagainst environmental damage.

2013 3 30 日题目: Despite the fact that many countries say they careabout environmental problems, the environmental situation will not improvesignificantly in the future.

2013 5 18 日题目:Government should support scientific research evenif the research does not have any practical use.

2013 9 8 日题目:To increase economic growth, the government shouldignore the environmental concerns.

3. 社会生活类

2013 3 2 日题目:Our society today is so busy and crowded that peopledo not need to be polite to each other.

2013 7 13 日题目:People rely on their neighbors less now than in the past.

2013 8 15 日题目:It is less important to eat with families regularlynowadays.

4. 个人成功类

2013 1 13 日题目: It is important to make sure that others know about yourstrengths and accomplishments; if you are not so, you will be never successfulin life.

因此,对于历年出现频率较高的热点话题,建议考生予以足够的重视。根据对2013 年中国考生在备战托福写作的普遍情况,考生面临的问题如下:

1. 如何在极其有限的时间内提高写作水平并获得高分?

2. 如何用英语语言准确传达自己的思想?

3. 如何科学且高效地使用各种备考资料?

4. 如何在考场上合理地分配时间?

针对这些棘手难题,笔者以ETS 官方写作评分标准为导向,归纳出5 条高分策略,旨在帮助莘莘学子拨云见日,顺利实现高分梦想:





建议考生在备考过程中重视一词多义,即灵活应用不同词汇表达同一种意思,这也是评分标准强调的重点之一。例如,在表达这个概念时,没必要机械地重复使用big这一个词,可灵活使用其同义词:large, tremendous, gigantic, grand 等等。


连词能够使文章逻辑顺畅,语言连贯,建议考生牢记各种连词如in spite of, in addition, moreover,even though, nevertheless 等。此外,还须注意词语表达的准确性,因为托福写作注重考查用语言准确传达思想,若频繁使用高深莫测的超难词汇,恐怕会弄巧成拙




It is in the process of such anendeavor that people realize the power of unity.

It is the associated responsibilitythat builds up a solid infrastructure of a group.


Not only will it help one keep a goodbalance between work and rest, but it can also further benefit him both spirituallyand physically.

Good medicine tastes bitter but curesdiseases and saves life, so does honest advice.


Tremendous investments are being madeto construct more roads, build more overpasses and develop new bus and subwaylines.

Taking up a favorite subject improvesperformance during their course of study and brings about more satisfactoryresults.


How could a person show purefriendliness to others while wearing a smiling mask?

Shouldnt the students finish their homeworkon time?


Other people, however, would ratherhold smaller ones within the family.



1. 例证法

举例是说服力极强的论证技巧。此外,应尽量使事例具体化。如:...For instance, traffic jam feeswere introduced in Singapore in 1975. Since then, Sweden, Britain, Norway,Italy, Portugal and China have followed suit... 又如:Having an intelligent partner by our side is just like receivingcharcoal when the snow falls. He is competent enough to offer sincere andapplicable suggestions that could drag us out of troubled waters. By makingfull use of our combined wisdom, problems can be solved easily. Take my cousinas an example: He has just set up his own company. At the very beginning, hewas faced with a series of problems in business administration. After consultinghis best friend, an MBA student in Harvard, he smoothly tackled those problems.As an old Chinese saying goes, he who gets in contact with vermillion will become red. A friends wisdom and accomplishments candirectly influence us in positive ways. 建议考生平时广泛搜集可作为热点话题论据的各种素材,包括名人轶事、历史事件、新闻报道、生活经历等等,不断积累,并学会将其恰当地应用于论证过程之中。


因果论证法是深入展开讨论的典型论证技巧,恰当使用因果法,可以使段落思路连贯,逻辑明晰,论证严谨透彻。因果法论证步骤:提出论点→提出原因→分析条件→得出结果。如:Besides, TV is also an effectiveteaching tool that helps enhance learning efficiency. The large variety of educationprograms are specially designed to make study time more enjoyable. Follow me, a popular English learning program,is a perfect example. The superior visual and sound effects help leave a deeperimpression on the viewers and improve their learning effectiveness. Therefore, TVdoes not merely serve for delight but also for education.


在写作构思过程中,往往需要对论点进行合理拆分,从不同侧面展开论述,以达到论证逻辑的全面性。例如:Secondly, travelling expenditures maybe cut down and much money can be saved. Regarding the accommodation on thejourney, companions can share a double room in a hotel. Thus, each of them onlyhas to pay half of the room price. The same is true with eating. It is a mostpopular choice for travelers to go dutch when having meals in restaurants. Inthis way, not only can they enjoy more dishes, but they can also spend lessmoney than people who dine alone. In addition, on the trip, there might be the necessityto rent vehicles. Likewise, transportation costs can be shared equally betweenthem as well.






1 步,通读30 篇高分范文,注意寻找文章的写作思路和主要论点,把握整体框架。以《托福高分范文大全》中的文章为例,2013 6 15 日考题:

The way a persondresses in is a good indication of his/her personality and character. 通读此文时,应找到文章主要论点:1. 着装习惯反映个人偏好;2. 着装习惯透露了性格的某些方面;3. 除了着装习惯,行为和举止是性格的更真实体现。

2 步,精读10 篇范文,理清每句话之间的关系。如:Relatives were co-habitants inside alarge house where more intimate relationships could be stably maintained andcarried on. Nowadays, however, nuclear families are taking up the greatestratio of social build-up... 这两句话之间形成了转折的逻辑关系。又如:Minor setbacks might cause a loss ofconfidence, or even produce overwhelming distress. Therefore I think it isunrealistic to expect a person who is down in spirit to accomplish their goals.这两句话之间形成了因果逻辑关系

3 步,详细分析10 篇范文,弄懂每句话内部的关系以及每句话之间的关系。如:In addition, obsessed with computergames, children are gradually becoming slaves under the control of thepre-designed game modes. As a matter of fact, it is not only a waste of time,but may also considerably mislead children mentally... 在这段话中,标志词in addition 表明首句承前启后,该句中,过去分词短语obssessed with... 表原因,children are usually... 是原因所导致的结果。第二句是对首句的进一步解释说明,注意not only...but also... 这个典型句式的应用。

4 步,选取经过详细分析的10 篇范文题目进行仿写练习。

5 步,再选取另外10 道题目进行写作练习,完成后与范文对照,寻找自己的优点与不足之处。




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