Tax Accountant Program是一套完整的会计工作就职培训。
Seed越来越多的学员在经过培训后成功找到自己的第一份正式会计工作。(同样的留学生背景,TR就拿到全职Offer/ Seed学员成功就业)
Tax Accountant Program是针对澳大利亚会计工作市场专门设计的一套培训,通过培训内容,大家也能够看出自己目前已经具备的技能,同时也能看到自己的不足。
Accounting clerk
Accounts officer
Accounts payable officer
Accounts receiverables officer
Payroll officer
Accounts assistant
Accounts administration officer
Tax Accountant
Senior accountant
Tax consultant
Tax officer
Business services accountant
Tax Accountant Program包含四项培训:Bookkeeping,Individual Taxation,Business Taxation 和 Microsoft Excel专业应用。详细培训内容如下:
Bookkeeping 是会计工作的入门级工作职责,对于想在会计行业谋求职位的学员也是最实际的工作技能。很多雇主都在寻找能够熟练处理 Bookkeeping 工作内容的员工,Bookkeeping 培训项目的目标就是使学员熟悉在真实会计岗位上的工作内容,包括 Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivables, Payroll 和其他会计日常工作。并利用真实企业案例进行培训让学员获得更真实有效的实战工作技能。培训采用全程上机操作形式,通过广泛应用的 MYOB 和 Reckon Accounts 工作软件进行培训。
使用软件:MYOB,Reckon Accounts & Xero
Level 10, 356 Collins Street, Melbourne• Processing purchases and sales invoices• Processing accounts payable and accounts receivable• Recording of a deposit on purchases• Recording credit notes and overpayments• Process payroll – PAYG withholding and PAYG instalments• Recording employer contributions and deductions in payroll• Inventory adjustments for month-end via general journal• Extracting and preparing reports - profit & loss and balance sheet• BAS / annual GST return lodgement
使用软件:Reckon Elite Tax & HandiTax
Level 10, 356 Collins Street, MelbournePreparation of individual and sole trader tax return
Calculation of salary and wages
Calculation of interest and dividends
Distribution from partnership and trust
Depreciation and low value pool
Work-related deductions (D1 – D5)
Other deductions (D5 – D15)
Private health insurance
Capital gains tax in foreign shares
Rental property in Australia
Foreign rent
Business and Corporate Taxation培训项目的目的是帮学员建立企业税务处理方面的知识和实际操作经验,包括fringe benefit tax和payroll tax的计算,同时针对澳大利亚税务相关法律法规帮学员进行知识更新。培训采用全程上机操作形式,通过广泛应用的Reckon Elite Tax 和 HandiTax 工作软件进行培训。
Business and Corporate Taxation 培训
使用软件:Reckon Elite Tax & HandiTax
Level 10, 356 Collins Street, MelbournePreparation of company, trust and partnership tax return
Extracting and completing profit & loss
Extracting and completing balance sheet
Creating financial reports via journal entry
Distribution of trust and partnership profits
Treatment of losses for companies, trusts and partnership
Completing BAS return in HandiTax and Reckon Elite Tax
Preparation of fringe benefit tax (eg. expense, property, car, meal)
Preparation of payroll tax
给Seed一天时间,微软Excel 2013 Expert (微软官方认证Excel 2013应用专家)将亲自为你培训Excel应用技能。面对面培训,全程上机操作,独家培训材料笔记,培训完成证书全部触手可及。Seed 提供的 Microsoft Excel 培训项目分为初级,中级和高级三个不同程度,来满足不同人群的需求。进行Tax Accountant Program的学员可以在三个程度中任选其一进行培训。学员将在培训中学习如何使用Excel工作软件对数据和信息进行分析、分享和管理,从而使得决策者在充分了解相关数据和信息的情况下作出更有效的决策。
使用的培训:Microsoft Excel 2013
Level 10, 356 Collins Street, Melbourne• Getting Started with Excel• Excel Selection Techniques• Manipulating rows and columns cells and cell content• Freezing Row and Column Titles within Excel• Font, Number and Alignment Formatting within Excel• Excel Formulas, Functions and Chart
使用的培训:Microsoft Excel 2013
Level 10, 356 Collins Street, Melbourne• Excel Setup and Viewing Options• Excel Functions and Formulas• Excel Time and Date Function• Excel Mathematical, Logical and Statistical Functions• Excel Financial, Lookup, and Database Functions• Excel Cell and Rang Formatting• Advanced Worksheet Manipulation within Excel• Paste Special Options within Excel
使用的培训:Microsoft Excel 2013
Level 10, 356 Collins Street, Melbourne• Excel Pivot and Input Tables• Excel Charts and Hyperlinks• Importing Text Files into Excel• Sorting, Filtering and Totalling Data within Excel• Tracking and Reviewing Changes in Excel• Validating within Excel• Auditing Techniques in Excel• Excel Passwords and Security Issues