Western Sydney Airport西悉尼新机场建设及影响

2015年12月17日 MeridianHomes

Western Sydney is more than 2 million people strong and growing.Over the next 20 years, it is expected to grow by another million—contributing to more than half of Sydney's overall expected population growth during this period.Western Sydney's economy is Australia's third largest. A growing population will need infrastructure and jobs to stimulate economic growth.

Airports are unique because they employ more people in operation than construction. While the initial construction phase at its peak would be expected to generate over 3,000 jobs, the airport itself would be expected to deliver nearly 9,000 jobs by 2031, with that number expected to increase to over 60,000 by 2063. These jobs would be onsite in services such as baggage handling, ground staff, security and engineers, and in supporting industries such as construction, catering, hospitality and tourism.

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