美国驻广州总领馆现有多个职位在招聘中,感兴趣的朋友请在截止日期前提交申请。点击下方“阅读原文” 了解详情并申请。
The U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou invites qualified applicants to apply for the following vacant positions:
Open to All Interested Candidates
Visa Assistant (Immigrant Visa Unit) FSN-07 02/23/16-03/07/16 (此职位要求应聘者会说福建方言)
Chauffeur (GSO/MGT) FSN-03 02/17/16 - 03/01/16
Maintenance Inspector (FAC/MGT) FSN-08 02/02/16-03/24/16
Custodian and Gardener Foreman (FAC/MGT) FSN-05 01/27/16-03/17/16
Mechanical Engineer (FAC/MGT) FSN-10 01/22/16 - 03/15/16
Electrical Engineer (FAC/MGT) FSN-10 01/22/16 - 03/15/16
Mason, Facilities Management Office FSN-04/FP-AA 01/06/2015-03/01/2016
Application Forms
Application Form (DS-174) (PDF 56K)
Please submit your applications in English via e-mail to[email protected]. Please specify the position title and your name in the subject line of your email. Due to the large volume of applications, only short-listed candidates will be contacted.