#2016逛美国# – 本周之州:怀俄明州。这里有黄石国家公园、大提顿国家公园和魔鬼塔国家纪念碑,怀俄明州为世上仅有。感受从杰克逊霍尔山一路滑雪下山的刺激,或在怀俄明州的度假牧场尽享典型的西式体验。
#Traveling Around the U.S. – State of the Week: Wyoming. With Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park and Devils Tower National Monument, Wyoming is like no place on Earth. Feel the adrenaline of skiing down Jackson Hole Mountain or enjoy the quintessential Western experience at a Wyoming dude ranch. You can look out over the 1,000 foot cliffs at Bighorn Canyon, or watch the sunrise paint the Flaming Gorge plateaus with fiery reds and oranges. These, and other places in Wyoming offer hiking trails, optimal fishing locales, and boating and rock climbing galore. So what’s your favorite outdoor sport?
Find out more about Wyoming at DiscoverAmerica.com.
Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/inbrief/2012/07/201207139000.html#ixzz3uYuWZVXP (ENG)