情人节被虐成狗?没关系,来参加美国商会和奥克伍德酒店联合举办的3.12植树节“播种爱”单身派对! 阳光、音乐、草地,下午茶静候光临,园艺大师现场教帅哥美女们一起亲手制作精美小盆栽, 还有瑜伽教练带大家做白领保健操!其乐融融的互动、交友、小游戏,让害羞的你也能很快和心仪的他/她一起High起来! 美商会会员或单身汪特惠价:88元/人,帅哥美女都能有机会获得美丽的惊喜礼物哦,现场还有幸运抽奖! 报名热线:(86-28) 8526-8761电子邮件:[email protected] 美商会员或者单身:RMB 88/位非美商会员:RMB150/位派对时间:2016年3月12日周六14:00-17:00派对地点:成都市武侯区新希望路7号成都丰德奥克伍德华庭酒店公寓四楼露台花园3.12 Let Love Grow ——Singles PartyHad a gloomy Valentine's Day? Don’t worry! On March 12th, come to the Let Love Grow singles party, hosted by AmCham and Oakwood! Sunshine, music, and afternoon tea await you on the Oakwood’ rooftop garden. A yoga course and a gardening lesson under experts’ guidance set the stage for you to meet your Mr. or Miss. Right. It’s only 88RMB for bachelors and bachelorettes to mix with other successful singles. Guests will have the chance to receive mysterious and surprising gifts and win lucky draw prizes! Office: (86-28) 8526-8761E-mail:[email protected] AmCham Memberor Single:RMB 88/pax Non AmCham Member:RMB150/paxWhen: Saturday, 12 March, 14:00-17:00Where: Roof Garden 4th Floor Oakwood Residence Funder Chengdu, No.7 Xin Xiwang Road, Wu Hou District, Chengdu