
2016年02月29日 美国驻华大使馆



#黑人历史月# 既然你已了解了一些很棒的黑人历史,下一次你到华盛顿D.C.时,一定要去全新的史密森博物馆非洲裔历史与文化馆(2016年秋季开放)和国家广场的马丁·路德·金国家纪念碑,了解更多信息。



Now that you’ve learned some awesome black history, the next time you’re in Washington D.C., make sure to stop by the brand-new Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture, opening in Fall 2016, and the National Monument to Martin Luther King Jr. on the National Mall to learn more.

We’ve only covered a small portion of African American history, but there are many, many more stories. 

Fun fact: did you know that a Chinese sculptor Lei Yixin(雷宜锌)  sculpted the iconic statue of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?

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