like I got bit by a radioactive Shar-Pei. 像被受过辐射的沙皮狗咬过一样
You look like an avocado had sex with an older more disgusting avocado. 你看起来就像牛油果跟另一个更老更恶心的牛油果在做爱
Your face is the stuff of nightmares.你的脸会让人做噩梦
Like a testicle with teeth.像是长了牙的睾丸
Because you look like Freddy Krueger face-fucked a topographical map of Utah. 因为你看起来就像《猛鬼街》里的弗莱迪克鲁格,用脸干了犹他地质图
to fix this butterface. 去把这张丑脸治好 (butterface - "but-her-face" - 俚语,相当于 “贝多芬”,转身鬼见愁)
I'm about to do to you what Limp Bizkit did to music in the late 90s.我要像软饼干乐队在90年代后期毁掉音乐那样毁掉你。
Like, a Yakov-Smirnoff-opening-for-the-Spin-Doctors-at-the-Iowa-State-Fair shit-show. 就像雅科夫思美洛在爱荷华州博会上为Spin Doctors做暖场演出那种灾难
Make It Big is the album that George and Andy earned the exclamation point. 《使其出名》是乔治和安迪为乐队挣到感叹号的专辑
and I'm gonna boom-box "Careless Whisper" outside your window.我会在你窗外播放《无心快语》的CD
Nothing compares to you. Sinéad O'Connor, 1990. 没什么可与你相比,西尼德奥康娜,1990年
I had a Liam Neeson nightmare.I dreamt I kidnapped his daughter.Hey, they've made three of those movies. At some point you have to wonder if he's just a bad parent. 我做了个噩梦,里面有连姆尼森。我梦到我绑架了他女儿。那个系列他们拍了三集,那让人觉得他就是个坏爸爸。
Let us go talk to the Professor.McAvoy or Stewart?These timelines are so confusing. 我们去跟教授谈谈吧.麦卡沃伊还是斯图尔特?这些时间轴真让人迷惑
You ever see 127 Hours? Spoiler alert. 看过《127小时》吗?我要剧透了喔 (死侍自戕)
Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. 《神啊,我是玛格丽特》 (还是死侍自戕:因为书里的主角第一次来月经,面对大量经血,所以死侍用了这个梗)
And please don't make the super-suit green or animated. 还有别做绿色的或是动画的紧身服 (吐槽小贱贱当年演过的烂片绿灯侠)
Oral fixation... or just a big Stallone fan? 口欲滞留还是史泰龙粉? (因为“天使”咬着火柴,而龙哥经常在大银幕上咬着一根鸡尾酒棍)
You're gonna leave me all alone here with less-angry Rosie O'Donnell? 你要让我跟没什么性格的罗茜奥唐纳独处?
giving Meredith Baxter-Birney a Dutch oven. (Dutch oven指的是你跟某人一起躺在床上,你放屁之后把被单罩在TA头上强迫TA闻屁)
AGENT SMITH 史密斯特工 (黑客帝国梗,不用多说)
pretty sure Robin loves Batman too 我相信罗宾也爱着蝙蝠侠。(嗯,我也信)
You ever heard David Beckham speak? 你听过大卫贝克汉姆说话吗?
It's like he mouth-sexed a can of helium. 就像他刚跟一罐氦气口交过一样
You think Ryan Reynolds got this far on his superior acting method? 你以为瑞安雷诺兹走到今天是靠他高超的演技吗?
Have fun at your midnight showing of Blade II. 希望你享受你《刀锋战士2》的午夜场
Ronnie Milsap! 朗尼米尔塞
Ripley, from Alien 3!《异形3》里的雷普利!
it does rhyme with "Polverine." 那跟“金刚郎”押韵
Say the magic words, Fat Gandalf. Go cast a spell. 道歉,肥甘道夫。去施展魔法吧
FEIGE'S FAMOUS PIZZA 费吉驰名批萨 (貌似这里是向漫威工作室的凯文费吉致敬)
Voltron: Defender of the Universe 战神金刚 five mini lion-bots come together to form one super-bot 五个小机器狮能合体成为一个超级机器人
Just ride a bitch's back, like Yoda on Luke. Star Wars jokes. Empire. 就像尤达大师骑在卢克背上。《星战》梗、《帝国反击战》(此时的床上,贱贱正从背后抱着凡妮莎)
It's a big house. It's funny that I only ever see two of you. It's almost like the studio couldn't afford another X-Man.这房子可真大,有趣的是我只见到你们两个.就跟电影公司请不起另一个X战警一样
rookie sensation Wade W. Wilson out of Regina, Saskatchewan 来自萨斯喀彻温里贾纳的新秀韦德威尔逊
Regina rhymes with fun. 里贾纳跟vagina押韵啊
Canada! 死侍杀得性起,大呼一声“加拿大”!
I never carry a wallet when I'm working. It ruins the lines of my suit. 我工作时从不带钱包不然会破坏我的紧身服的线条
Rich Corinthian leather. 豪华科林斯皮革(死侍在车里跟人打架时头被顶在前面的皮座椅背后所说的台词)
I give a guy a pavement facial, it's because he's earned it. 要让人表演恶狗吃屎,是因为他罪有应得 (pavement facial指拖着脸贴着地的对方走)
we are like really fucked up tooth fairies...except we knock out the teeth and take the cash.我们就像是变态牙仙只是我们打掉人家的牙并收钱
I give you a Blow Job. 这就是你要的“口交” (这里是双关,其中之一的意思是以下的鸡尾酒)
All right, Kahlua, Baileys and... whipped cream. 好了,卡鲁哇咖啡酒、百利甜酒以及发泡奶油。
I don't take the shits. I just disturb them. (这里借用了shit-stirrer的习惯用法,意思是我就是根搅屎棍)
I'm living to 102. And then dying. Like the city of Detroit. 我会活到102岁,然后奄奄一息,就像底特律市一样 (吐槽破产的底市)
What's a nice place like you doing in a girl like this? 你这样的地方在这样的女孩搞啥鬼?
chicken noodle 鸡汤面 (吐槽“黑后”穿的X特警紧身服的颜色)
The whole world tastes like Mama June after hot yoga 否则整个世界会充满做过热瑜伽的肥妈妈的气味(肥妈妈是电视剧Here Comes Honey Boo Boo里的人物)
What does Miss Mama June taste like?肥妈妈的气味是怎样的?
Like two hobos fucking in a shoe filled with piss 就像两个流浪汉操装满尿的鞋子
#driveby. 臭屁车开过 (死侍在公寓里走过盲人老太婆,一边放屁一边说)
Like you've been pitching, not catching. 看来你是小攻,不是小受 (借用棒球术语)