引进Raz-kids在线阅读学习系统的培训 Training about Raz-kids

2016年02月26日 加拿大国际教育集团

2016-02-26 加拿达外国语学校广雅校区


At CLSA we are always looking out for better resources to improve our education standards and keep abreast with the latest trends and technology.  We are embarking on a new, award winning website designed by highly skilled, professionals in order to improve our students’ reading and comprehension abilities.    

Raz-kids 是一套分阶段,有挑战任务并有奖励的网络阅读学习系统。该系统给孩子们提供了不同阶段的阅读材料,按照不同的难易程度共划分27个阶段,提供上百本有声阅读书籍.孩子们将非常容易的接触到适合自己英文水平的阅读内容。

Raz-Kids is an award-winning teaching product that provides comprehensive leveled reading resources for students. With hundreds of eBooks offered at 27 different levels of reading difficulty, it's easy to put the right content in every student's hands.  

天我们非常荣幸的又请到CIEO集团的培训总监Mark 来给全体英语老师介绍和培训这套学习系统。经过一系列的培训,老师们一定可以充分应用和研究这套系统,更好的提升孩子们的阅读和学习英文的能力!

We have had the pleasure of Mark introducing and training us on this teaching product today,the first of many training sessions in order for our teachers to fully utilize and exploit this product to our students benefit.




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