06月06日 周一 18:30-20:30
本次讲座中,上海美国中心请来了代顿大学(University of Dayton)法学院 LLM 和 MSL 项目的国际项目助理Tao Bu,来为大家讲解申请美国法学院的过程和注意要点。Tao Bu 将覆盖的话题包括美国法学院申请,多种法学学位的不同、LSAT 法学院入学考试、律师考试、奖学金申请以及法学院校园生活等。讲座后设有问答环节。
The Shanghai American Center will host Tao Bu, International Programs Assistant of LL.M. & M.S.L. Programs of the University of Dayton School of Law for an information session about applying to U.S. Law Schools. Bu, who directs several different types of law programs, will share insights into law schools applications, different law degrees (J.D. v. LL.M./M.S.L), LSAT entrance exams, the bar exam, scholarships, and law school life. There will also be Q & A section at the end of the presentation.
This event will be conducted in Chinese. Please bring your photo ID to enter the Shanghai American Center.
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