
2016年06月07日 澳洲地产JennyYangRealty





我得了感冒/重感冒 I have got a cold/bad cold

我喉咙痛 I have a sore throat

我咳嗽了两天了 I have coughed for two days

咳痰 I have a productive cough

黄色痰 Yellowish sputum

干咳dry cough

头痛 headache

发热 fever ,temperature

鼻塞 blocked nose

头晕 dizzy faint



我胃痛 I have a stomach pain/My stomach is upset

下腹痛 lower abdo / abdomen pain

我从昨天晚上起吐了两次了I have two vomits since yesterday

我腹泻 I have diarrhea

我从上午起大便了五次了I have had five bowel movements this morning

水样便 watery feces

还有一些固体的 with solid pieces

我完全没食欲 I don't have appetite at all

我不想吃东西 I don't feel like eating anything

我恶心 I don't feel like eating anything

我烧心 I am feeling sick /nausea



我上面有一颗牙痛 One of my upper teeth is painful/aching

我一颗牙松了 One of my teeth is loose

我牙龈肿了My gum is inflammed

洗牙 clean teeth

牙敏感sensitive  teeth

假牙 denture

牙上的牙癍菌 plaque



过敏 allergy

疹子 rash


皮肤表皮的撕裂 skin tear

皮肤连带肉的撕裂 skin laceration

我皮肤痒 My skin is itching

青春痘 pimple


水泡 blister

分泌物 exudation



我崴了脚 I twisted my ankle

骨折 fracture

绷带 bandage

石膏 plaster

我右胳膊举不起来了I can't lift my right arm

我手动不了了 I can't move my hand

我左腿特别痛 I feel a pain in my left leg

手腕 wrist

我走不了路了I can't walk

我疼得睡不着觉This pain is terrible and keeps me awake



都一个星期了About a week now

我特别不舒服I feel quite unwell/bad

我全身都痛I have pain worse

不见好转 It is getting worse

两天前开始的 It came two days ago

断断续续 On and off/time to time

我没力气 I am feeling weak

我失眠了 I lost my sleep

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