作者:Dan Weil
“三、四年前,我们注意到一些其它州的公司CEO们开始在这里购置第二套住宅,而他们中的许多人都在纽约、波士顿和康涅狄格州的格林尼治从事理财工作。”棕榈滩县的商务开发委员会主席Kelly Smallridge向The Real Deal表示,“但这些人并不打算在这里开办公司。”
因此Kelly Smallridge便和她的同事们一起试图努力改变这一局面,而现在他们成功了。在过去的三到四年内,总共有60至70家私募股权和对冲基金公司在棕榈滩县设立了办事处,这些办事处主要集中于棕榈滩和西棕榈滩。已经在棕榈滩县设立了办事处的对冲基金公司包括:
由著名对冲基金管理人Paul Tudor Jones领导的Tudor Investment Corp.。该公司在棕榈滩的Royal Palm Way 109号租赁了10,800平方英尺的办公场地,而Paul Tudor Jones本人还于去年以7,100万美元的价格购置了位于棕榈滩South Ocean Boulevard 1300号的一处住宅。
Affiliated Managers Group在最初租赁了位于South Flagler Drive 777号的Phillips Point大楼7,000平方英尺办公场地,现在已经打算租下该楼的整个顶层,Smallridge表示。
其它公司还包括同样位于Phillips Point大楼的Wexford Capital and SandPointe以及位于棕榈滩花园PGA Boulevard 3601号由Anthony Scaramucci领导的Skybridge Capital。
“我相信还会有更多公司到来,”身家上亿的地产投资商Jeff Greene向The Real Deal表示。Jeff Greene已经在西棕榈滩和棕榈滩购置了价值超过3亿美元的物业。“最大的难题是人力资本。人们都想去一个既能招纳贤士又能使他们的孩子享受优质教育的地方。”
“许多公司都希望在西棕榈滩的Flagler Drive租赁5,000至10,000平方英尺的办公场地。拥有一套完整的物业清单对他们而言尤其重要。”Greene指出,许多对冲基金投资人十分关心学校的情况。Smallridge表示,棕榈滩县商务开发委员会将帮助他们的孩子就读当地的顶尖学校。
MBAF会计师事务所棕榈滩办公室的负责人兼会计师Richard Rampell向The Real Deal表示,阻碍更多对冲基金资源前来的原因之一可能是缺乏足够的A级写字楼空间。Greene表示他所计划在西棕榈滩Quadrille Boulevard 550号开发的One West Palm项目将是对冲基金公司的理想之选。
Hedge funds flock to Palm Beach and WPB, boosting office market
作者:Dan Weil
The Phillips Point office towers in West Palm Beach
Palm Beach County officials are working on bringing hedge funds here from the Northeast, and it’s working, particularly in West Palm Beach and Palm Beach, giving a boost to the Class A office market and the luxury home market.
“Three to four years ago we noticed CEOs from out of state buying second homes here, and a lot were affiliated with wealth management in New York City, Boston and Greenwich, Connecticut,” Kelly Smallridge, president of the county’s Business Development Board told The Real Deal. “But they weren’t setting up business operations.”
So she and her colleagues worked to change that, and they have succeeded. A total of 60 to 70 private equity and hedge fund companies have established offices in the county in the last three to four years, many in Palm Beach and West Palm Beach. The hedge fund firms that have established offices here include:
Tudor Investment Corp., led by legendary hedge fund manager Paul Tudor Jones. The firm is leasing 10,800 square feet at 109 Royal Palm Way in Palm Beach, and he bought a home at 1300 South Ocean Boulevard in Palm Beach for $71 million last year.
Affiliated Managers Group is now taking the entire top floor of the Phillips Point building at 777 South Flagler Drive, covering more than 20,000 square feet, after starting with about 7,000 square feet, Smallridge said.
Wexford Capital and SandPointe, which also are in the Phillips Point building, and Skybridge Capital, led by Anthony Scaramucci, which is based at 3601 PGA Boulevard in Palm Beach Gardens.
“I think more will happen,” Jeff Greene, the billionaire real estate investor who has purchased more than $300 million worth of property in West Palm Beach and Palm Beach, told TRD. “The biggest challenge is human capital. People want to be where they have access to talent and a good education system for their kids.”
Smallridge said the county doesn’t have to offer any incentives to bring the hedge funds down here. High taxes and cold weather in the Northeast do that part of the job. What she and her colleagues must do is “tailor resources” for the firms, she said.
“Many want 5,000 to 10,000 square feet with water views along Flagler Drive in West Palm Beach. Having a list of properties is important for them.” And as Greene pointed out, the hedge funders are concerned about schools. The BDB introduces them to top local schools, Smallridge said.
One problem as more hedge funds move here could be the lack of Class A office space, accountant Richard Rampell, head of MBAF’s Palm Beach office, told TRD. Greene said his One West Palm development planned for 550 Quadrille Boulevard in West Palm Beach would be a logical place for hedge funds to locate.
Meanwhile, some hedge fund heavyweights are eager for expensive homes in Palm Beach. “There’s a hedge fund guy who wants to buy a house belonging to one of my clients, and the amount of money is obscene.” Rampell said. “I know of more than one situation like that.”
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