06月07日 周二 18:30
Tuesday, June 7, 18:30 Movie Night: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
一起来上海美国中心观赏美国经典电影《夺宝奇兵3:圣战奇兵》,顺便了解一下荧幕上下考古学家都是如何进行艺术品保护的吧!1989上映的《夺宝奇兵3:圣战奇兵》是一部由史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格执导,乔治·卢卡斯参与编剧的冒险类动作片,主角考古学家印第安纳·琼斯被美国电影学会(AFI)评选为百年百大电影英雄的第二名。放映后,领馆官员Cary Maguire会向大家介绍,现实中考古学家和艺术品保护学者是如何展开工作的。
Come to the Shanghai American Center for a special screening of the American classic movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, and learn more about art conservation and what archeologists do, on and off the screen. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is a 1989 American action-adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg, from a story co-written by executive producer George Lucas. The movie chronicles the adventures of fictional archaeologist Indiana Jones, whom the American Film Institute ranked as the second greatest film hero of all time in 2003. U.S Consulate Professional Associate – Management, Cary Maguire will host the film screening and lead a discussion on how archaeologists and conservators protect cultural heritage in museums and in the field.
Cary Maguire是一名经验丰富的艺术品保护学者,拥有巴克内尔大学艺术史本科学位和纽约州立大学布法罗分校硕士学位及艺术品保护高级研究证书。她曾在美国各地的多个博物馆工作,有创业经历,在罗德岛设计学院教授过相关课程。她曾为国立美国历史博物馆和美国国务院提供藏品和画作保护。
Cary Maguire is an art conservator by training. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Art History from Bucknell University and a Master of Science and Certificate of Advanced Study in Art Conservation from State University of New York Buffalo. She has worked for museums around the United States, ran a private business, and taught conservation at the Rhode Island School of Design. She has conserved objects and paintings for the National Museum of American History and the Department of State.
(影片片长122分钟,英文对白,英文/中文字幕。This movie is 122 minutes long and is in English with English/Chinese subtitles.)
上海美国中心(Shanghai American Center,简称ShAC)是美国驻上海领事馆新闻文化处的一部分,旨在协调与支持中美教育交流,举办文化活动,提供图书资源等。中心举办各种文化活动,包括各类讲座、电影之夜、艺术展览等。
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