
2016年11月04日 美国高中留学指南

 I'm searching for you


美国加州韦伯中学Webb Schools 前招生主任Leo Marshall先生,从事美国中学教育工作40年,担任SSATB招生领导委员会主席,专事寄宿和走读学校的招生官之训导,主持制定招生政策与规则,为招生官导师。Leo服务Webb Schools 15年,招生万许,针对“美国和加拿大的寄宿中学在寻找什么样的申请者”这一学生和家长最为关心的热点话题,特发文樱知叶总结几点揭开招生官之心证由来。

撰文:Leo Marshall
翻译:Nancy Li

无论我在美国国内还是到海外进行招生活动,总是被家长们问及一个关于美国和加拿大寄宿学生招生的问题:"Leo Marshall 先生,美国和加拿大的这些顶尖寄宿学校想要申请人具备什么条件才能被录取的可能性大?”



现在这些顶尖寄宿高中在不断的看到越来越多的SSAT、 ISEE和托福考试高分的申请者,但这些考试在整个录取决定中其实并没有那么重要。这些高分的出现只不过是大量的高强度培训的结果,很多父母只是假想这些考试分数是美国高中录取考虑的唯一要素,然而,很多学校逐渐发现,尽管申请者个个分数很高,他们却在英语口语及书面语的表达中词不达意,不能有效沟通,而这两项能力并不能通过考试准备而提高。







Leo Marshall


As long as I have travelled all of the U.S. and overseas, there is one question from families hoping to send their child to a U.S./Boarding school that I can always expect: "Mr. Marshall, what are these schools looking for that can give us some expectation that our child will be given a serious chance at admission to a selective U.S./Canadian boarding school?
Unfortunately, that question cannot be easily answered because it always comes down to two words: "It depends".
Selective boarding schools do not fit into one category or description.  They are all different with different programs and different interests in the candidates they seek to admit every year.   The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS) represents nearly 250 of the top boarding schools in the U.S. and Canada; and they all seek academically talented candidates who can manage successfully a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum but rarely do these schools see poorly academically prepared candidates from overseas.
Increasingly, they are seeing more and more very strong SSAT, ISEE, or TOEFL scores and it may not be too far off that, as so many candidates are submitting strong admission test scores, such tests will not weigh as heavily in an admission decision.  Such high scores are beginning to be seen a result of aggressive tutoring programs that so many families are using in the false assumption that a test score is the sole criteria that is used for admission decisions.  Yet, many schools are finding that despite high scores, many candidates still struggle with oral and written English which cannot be improved by test preparation.   As for the quantitative scores, top schools see so many with extremely high mathematics scores that it just doesn't catch their attention any more.
So what is the answer, you ask?  Well, again, "It depends."  It depends often on what the admission officer/director sees as a school's specific needs each year.   For example, every one of these schools have relatively strong athletic programs with as many as fifty teams in a variety of sports:  football, soccer, swimming, tennis, basketball, etc., and they always need students with demonstrated talents in these areas.   A student who does recreational swimming or tennis or enjoys playing basketball at school but is not on an organized team is not going to get much interest.   Playing golf on weekends with one's parents is not enough to catch the attention of a golf coach.   A school coaching staff is likely to be deeply interested in what happens during the admission year and will be in regular communication with the admission officer regarding his/her needs for new athletes the next school year.
All these schools require participation in a fine (visual art) or performing arts (theater, choral, instrumental) programs.  They then seek talented musicians, i.e. musicians who play an instrument, e.g. violin, cello, trumpet at a high level and do so in an orchestra.  Sadly, being a gifted pianist is likely to not garner much attention as a school orchestra rarely needs more than one pianist. I would guess that as much as 75% of all Chinese candidates I interviewed over ten years played piano and most were superior but my school just didn't need pianists.  The student who has a love for art will, however, need to have extraordinarily strong talent in one or more medians, e.g. drawing, painting, or graphic design.   Yet, most students will not likely have the talent to attract the attention of a school's fine arts department.
Therefore, most students will not likely be superior in athletics or the fine or performing arts but that does not mean a student, necessarily, that he/she will not have an opportunity to gain admission to a selective school. Here are some thoughts on what schools are most interested in a candidate.
1. Schools without English as a Second Language (ESL) program will require students to have very strong skills in oral and written English and that is not just demonstrated by a high TOEFL score.  That is why schools require interviews and application essays and it is why they will look carefully at the writing sample on the SSAT or ISEE.
2. These schools seek students with maturity and personalities that indicate they are ready to live thousands of miles away from home in an environment that does require some independence and a sense of responsibility.   This can be revealed during the interview which is becoming of increased importance.
3. Schools understand that most students will not have extreme talent in what I have described above but they will expect a student to give evidence of having one or more genuine interest outside their school.   That means they will look to see what a candidate has been doing outside the classroom with their free time or one weekends.  These schools are not interested in activities in primary school but only those most recent.
Sadly, too many students give up such activities in middle school in order to prepare for SSAT or TOEFL and that works against a student's chances for admission.   Students who show no interests or activities other than attending test preparation classes or using tutors to help them in mathematics or English are just not interesting to these schools. It is that student with a genuine love for a hobby or activity that will have the advantage.
All of the above points to the importance of a candidate selecting schools not for their name or supposed ranking but schools that have those programs that match a student's genuine interests.  When they select such schools, those interests will be evident in what is becoming the all-important interview, a time when a candidate's personality and enthusiasm for learning will be revealed to the interviewer.  Some of the very best candidates I would meet were those whose real personality and evident interest in activities outside the classroom and it was not infrequent that I was certain after that interview that this was the candidate I wanted to admit to my school.
Leo Marshall
Senior Executive Advisor
Ivy Bridge Group

  Leo Marshall 


名校招霸:Webb Schools 前招生主任
招生官教头:Admission Leadership Council前主席(隶属ALC,即前SSATB)
2016年11月1日-11月15日,Leo将在全国范围内遴选最具有潜质的优秀学子,亲自操刀为你申请美国最顶尖的中学。还有常青藤金笔导师 Clara Domb,樱知叶掌门人朴总,美高一姐Nancy老师,超豪华阵容,只为Leo爷选中的千里马提供代表樱知叶最高水准的服务。有了Leo爷和他的豪华团队几位大咖的神助攻,你跟美国顶尖高中只剩一个门槛的距离!海选11月1日正式启动,优中选优!【点击此处了解活动详情

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