Hooray for Hollywood: Studying for a Careerin the Movies
For as long as I can remember, American movies have always enthralled me.
My earliest childhood memory is of watching Superman II on TV on Christmas Day with my father when I was just 4 years old. A year later I had my first cinema experience when I went to see the vastly under-rated Ghostbusters II.
Things seem to have come full circle now as my last two trips to the cinema this year were to see Batman vs Superman, and then more recently the all-female reboot of Ghostbusters.
I enjoyed both movies, despite the mixed critical and fan reaction, however as is often the case in Hollywood, they both pale in comparison to their originals.
So, why are we talking movies today? Isn’t this supposed to be a blog about education issues. Well, have no fear dear readers, normal service is about to be resumed.
The reason behind this nostalgic preamble was to set the scene. For today I am going to reveal what it takes to forge a career in the movie business.
When I say working in “the movie business” one immediately tends to think about acting, after all isn’t it the actors who get all the plaudits?
That may still be the case to some extent but this is changing. As the movie-going experience continues to evolve in the 21st century so too do the demands of the movie industry.
As a result, all sorts of new degree programs and study opportunities are emerging across the world for those with a passion for the movies.
One obvious new entrant is the field of visual effects and animation.
We live now in the age of the superhero genre. As such, bringing this larger than life comic book characters to life has lead to an increasing reliance on computer-generated effects. With even relatively lower budget movies tending to rely heavily on effects, and the line between television and movies becoming increasingly blurred (I think some of the visual effects in the CW TV series “The Flash” can stand alongside any Hollywood movie), there has never been a better time to enter the visual effects industry.
And the field of visual effects is so diverse, and covers such a wide sweep of different skills, that everything from storyboard artists to computer programmers are finding their talents are highly in demand.
为电影产业而工作,正如连姆·尼森(译者注:英国演员,Liam Neeson)所说,“这是一系列技能的独特组合。”
However, working specifically in the movie industry requires, as Liam Neeson would put it, “A unique set of skills.”
To that end, specialist schools are springing up all over the US and indeed across the world offering excellent training in these fields.
其中一个学校就是美国数字动画与视觉效果学校(DAVE School),该校位于佛罗里达州,这个学校不仅擅长于把学生打造成电影产业需要的人才,还擅于把学生打造成迅猛发展的电脑游戏所需要的人才。亲可知道,一部销量冠军的电脑游戏所需要的投资可是堪比一些好莱坞电影的啊!
One such school is the Digital Animation and Visual Effects (DAVE) School. Based in Florida, the school specializes in preparing students for careers not just in the movie industry but also the burgeoning video game market, where the budgets of high-selling titles are fast becoming as bulbous as the budgets of some Hollywood movies!
It’s not just visual effects and animation however where students can make a new career for themselves. These days marketing and promotion of a movie plays almost as big a part in its eventual success or failure as the actual making of the movie itself.
To that end, there are growing opportunities for specialists in media, marketing, sales and promotions. Again selling and promoting movies requires a very specific skill set and there are numerous schools across the west coast of the US that offer courses which provide pathways into the various marketing departments of the Hollywood studios.
Of course it is easy to be seduced by the glitz and glamour of Hollywood and this can, at times impair ones judgment. So, it is important to thoroughly research and investigate the place where you intend to study before signing up. Here are some important points to consider:
Student placement rates: In other words, just how many of the students in the school’s graduating class went on to achieve gainful employment in the industry. If this rate is low, then studying there is probably too big a gamble for you to take on.
Also, it pays to shop around. Some schools are competitively priced, but there are also a number of less reputable institutions who, banking on the fact that you are chasing your lifelong dream, may seek to seduce you with false promises and ill-conceived optimism.
Hollywood, after all, has seen more than its fair share of stories of glorious failure and loss.
To put it into movie parlance, you want to make sure you become a Rocky Balboa, not a Clubber Lang!
The pathway to a career in Hollywood certainly isn’t smooth. It’s tough, it’s challenging, and most of all its expensive, but if you keep your wits about you and you really have that drive and that desire, then you have as good a chance as anyone of making the dream come true!