【北京美国中心活动】11月10日,星期四14:00-16:00 RELO英语教师沙龙

2016年11月03日 美国驻华大使馆

Regional English Language Office

RELO Beijing presents – Thursday Roundtables for English Language Teachers




欢迎大家报名参加2016年11月10日的英语教师沙龙。为了能与更多英语教师分享与交流,我们的美国国务院英语语言学者Heather Smith将再次呈现11月3的活动,与您一起探讨如何将游戏融入语法教学。由于名额限制未能成功预约上次活动的老师们,欢迎各位报名参加! (已参加11月3日活动的老师请勿重复参加!)







Workshop on:Grammar Games for the Classroom


Grammar rules and exercises can be boring anduninspiring for students. The presenter will share fun practice activities thatmake grammar seem more interesting and exciting, which can increase motivation,participation, and retention. The workshop includes how to adapt existing gamesto suit diverse needs as well as how to create your own.


Date: Thursday,November 10, 2016

Time:2:00 to 4:00 P.M.


EnglishLanguage Fellow Bio


Heather Smith received a B.A. in Spanish and International Studies and an M.A. in TESOLand Bilingual Education from the University of Findlay in Ohio, USA. She hasfive years of teaching experience in Intensive English Programs in UnitedStates universities and has completed short term EFL teaching projects in SouthKorea and India. Heather is part of the U.S. Department ofState’s English Language Fellow Program, which sends talented, highly qualifiedU.S. TESOL professionals to academic institutions around the world for 10-monthassignments in projects initiated by U.S. Embassies. She is currently hosted byCapital University of Economics and Business in Beijing and conducts regulartraining workshops for local English teachers at the United States Embassy.




This event is ONLYopen to English teachers and professionals. The seminar will be conducted inEnglish. Audio or video recording of the program will not be permitted.


You must bring both your valid photo ID and registration confirmationpage in order to get into BAC. Please avoid using QQ email address to register.Large bags will not be allowed into BAC for this event.  Please doNOT wait in the visa applicant line. Please wait in line by the RED signsaying “American Citizen Service“ at the East Gate of the embassy.

请于活动开始前30分钟到达现场。 活动开始30分钟后将不允许进入。如无法参加活动,请至少提前24小时在注册网站取消预约。否则,可能会影响今后的活动预约。

Please arrive 30 minutes earlier ahead of the start time. You will NOTbe admitted if you arrive half an hour after the program has started. If youcannot show up for the event, please cancel your reservation from theEventbrite website at least 24 hours ahead. Otherwise, for future events, wemay cancel your reservations.


For security reasons, the BAC staff reserves the right to refuse entryto anyone.

地点:北京市朝阳区安家楼路55号 (美国大使馆东门)。 
Location: No. 55 AnJia Lou Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing (East Gate of the U.S. Embassy). 

Directions: MetroLine 10, Liangmaqiao Station Exit B, walk northeast to the Tian Ze Roadintersection of An Jia Lou Road, north side of the Visa Office. 




RELO(Regional English Language Office) 通过一系列英语教学项目协助东道国教育管理部门及教育机构加强英语能力建设。通过提升英语教师及专业人士的英语教学能力,以更好地培养可熟练运用英语进行国际交流与合作的人员。RELO资源中心汇集了专业的英语学习及教学资源。同时,RELO资源中心定期举办研讨会及工作坊等活动,内容涵盖东道国英语教师及专业人士较为关心的英语教学热门话题。详情请访问:http://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn/relo2.html


RELO works with professional teachers of English through aseries of programs focusing on capacity building of local ELT communities. RELOalso has a resource center providing a collection of state-of-the-artprofessional materials and holds professional development seminars on topics ofprofessional interest to the English teaching community. For moreinformation, see: http://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn/relo2.html.






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