
2016年11月09日 新西兰芳地产


855 Tram Road,Ohoka,Waimakariri, Canterbury 

  • 位于著名的Ohoka庄园区的中心地带,距基督城仅二十分钟左右的车程,距Kaiapoi和Rangiora仅10分钟车程,距十分校Ohoka小学仅4公里。周围环境优美,以豪华休闲庄园和高品质农庄而闻名,充满浓郁的英国乡土风情。

  • 占地面积41,750平方米,庄园为松墙环绕,优美静谧,土地·肥沃·,精美花园以树木和灌木为主,易于打理,更有繁花似锦以及1000株橄榄树林,给庄园增添无尽色彩。

  • 庄园内建有一栋豪宅和三座附属建筑。豪宅建筑面积299平方米,建于2002年,共有5房(含一套主卧,带独立洗手间和步入式衣帽间),独立公用厕所,学习房,开放式厨房/餐厅及独立客厅。室内生活空间均与北向室外阳台相通,为家庭生活提供许多方便和乐趣。其卫浴及厨房均配有地热系统,生活区装有燃木火炉,全屋安装有内通风系统,南向配有双层玻璃,保证冬季的取暖需要。

  • 三座附属建筑包括宽敞独立车库、560m2水泥地面大型库房及一个船/拖车停放库。

  • 庄园目前经营有家庭旅馆(B&B)生意,在当地颇有名气,接待来自世界各地的婚庆、高尔夫、品酒等各类旅行团。

  • 优越的地理位置、现代舒适的豪宅、美丽精致的花园和成熟的家庭生意使其成为Ohoka庄园的精品之作。

  • 不可多得的投资良机,现庄园主可以在庄园出售后长期回租,继续经营庄园的生意,周租金可达1000纽币,签署买卖合同的同时即可签三年的租约,从而保证您的投资回报。



Desirable Ohoka Lifestyle......

855 Tram Road,Ohoka,Waimakariri, Canterbury

This property is all about desire - a desirable location, a desirable lifestyle and our vendor's strong desire to sell.

Ohoka offers the best of both worlds; the accessibility of Christchurch International Airport, shopping at the boutique Merivale Mall and your everyday needs catered for in the growing and vibrant Rangiora township, all within a 20km radius of this established, peaceful and private 4ha lifestyle property.


The Ohoka market, voted one of the top four in New Zealand, is just a few minutes away and is a pleasure not to be missed on a Friday morning where the locals congregate and partake in the fresh local artisan produce.


If you want the best of both worlds, this 4ha lifestyle property is worthy of consideration. The design of the house lends itself to, and has been used as a boutique B & B. Although a fledgling business, this could be further developed. The olive trees offer potential income, or can be removed to extend the stunning park-like setting. Well established shelter provides a micro-climate away from the prevailing winds and ensures absolute privacy. This property offers much opportunity and potential.......

Follow your heart's desire and contact Linda for price guide, detailed property brochure and to make your appointment to view.


- 299m2 family home, built 2002

- Drive through boat/trailer shed

- 560m2 storage shed

- 1000 olive trees

- Sealed parking area

- 4km to Ohoka School (decile 10)

Offers Over $1,200,000




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