
2016年11月10日 新西兰好健康

Found yourself feeling more down than usual, or maybe your stress levels are unusually high? It could be that your serotonin levels could do with a boost.You might have heard of serotonin, but do you know the full effects it has on your wellbeing? Here’s a few common questions that might help provide some answers, as well as some helpful tips on boosting your serotonin levels naturally.


Q. What is serotonin?


A. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter - a chemical messenger that is passed between nerve cells - or simply put, a chemical produced by the body that enables brain cells and other nervous system cells to communicate with one another. Serotonin is made in our brain and intestines but the majority (up to 90%) is found in our digestive tract. It can also be found in blood platelets and the central nervous system.


血清素是一种神经传递素 - 是神经细胞用来互相传递信息的一种混合物质也就是说,是神经之间用来作为相互交谈,传递信息的一种渠道。血清素产自于大脑和内脏,但绝大部分血清素分布于肠胃细胞中、在血小板和中枢神经系统中也有储存。

Q. Why is serotonin so important?


A.Serotonin has a powerful impact on balancing your mood, and everything that impacts your mood - like emotions, cravings (especially for carbohydrates),sleep habits, appetite and memory. It is affectionately nicknamed our “happy hormone” because of the positive effects it has on our feelings of well-being and happiness. This means that if you’re suffering from depleted serotonin levels, you may experience a drop in your mood, more stress, poor sleeping patterns, emotional eating and weight gain.


Q. What are some natural ways to increase serotonin levels?


A. Exercise is an excellent way to raise your serotonin levels naturally and safely. It also boosts other feel-good neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and endorphins.


Unfortunately serotonin isn’t naturally found in foods, but it can be made from the amino acid tryptophan. Most people feel better and work better when their diet is high in protein. This is because foods high in protein are good sources of tryptophan - particularly eggs, fish, meat and dairy.


Your gut health is also important, as the majority of your serotonin is located in the digestive tract. So, eating foods that promote a healthy gut is important, like different types of fermented foods, such as kefir, kombucha drinks, yoghurt and tempeh.


Finally, you shouldn’t underestimate the power of positive thinking. Keeping a positive outlook can help increase your serotonin levels. Focus on reducing the things that might cause you stress and spend more time doing what makes you feel good.


Q. How can I boost my serotonin levels with natural health supplements?


A. 5-HTP is a very popular supplement for people who are interested in keeping theirs erotonin balanced. Unlike anti-depressants that recycle serotonin, 5-HTP actually increases the production of serotonin in your brain. If you’re looking to regulate your sleeping patterns and your mood, 5-HTP could be helpful.


Vitamin B6 is important for the conversion of 5-HTP to serotonin, so include foods into your diet that are rich in vitamin B6, like bananas, spinach and hazelnuts. Alternatively try taking a B vitamin supplement.

维他命 B6, 是转化5-羟色胺为血清素的媒介。所以可以多使用一些富含有维他命B6的食物,例如香蕉,菠菜和榛子。又或者可以尝试服用维他命B6

Lowserotonin can also be a factor if you’re trying to lose weight, as low levels can negatively impact mood, motivation, sleep and cravings - all key contributors to weight gain. If this sounds familiar, then you might benefit from including Garcinia Cambogia or Synetrim Slim in your diet. Both supplements naturally boost serotonin levels and help curb those nasty cravings, helping to keep you motivated and more likely to stay on track with your weight management goals.

减肥也也会造成血清素低下,而血清素低有对情绪产生负面影响,情绪波动,睡眠不好和超乎正常的食欲这些又会导致体重增加。如果这听起来很熟悉,不妨尝试一下GarciniaCambogia藤黄果减肥胶囊和Synetrim Slim六合一修身胶囊。这两种产品都可以促进血清素含量平衡,抑制非正常食欲,从而保持乐观的心态和完美的体型。

With some help from nature you can keep your serotonin levels balanced and keep your mind and body feeling healthy and happy.


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