
2016年11月08日 无忧小雅哥

2016.11.05 Academic Sample Essay
Some people believe that living in big cities is becoming more difficult. Others believe that it is getting easier. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 

Some people argue that living in large urban cities is becoming a burden, whilst others contend that it is in fact becoming less difficult. I strongly believe that the latter holds more truth and will discuss further below.

On the one hand, it has been argued that living in large urban centers is becoming increasingly problematic due to traffic congestion. As big cities develop, the level of traffic simultaneously grows to accommodate travel needs. For instance, densely populated cities like Jakarta has seen to an exponential increase in the number of road vehicles, causing more traffic congestion. The Indonesian capital is infamously known for its traffic jams that can delay people for up to three hours at times, making it extremely inconvenient to travel by car. This issue is just one of the many that demonstrates the challenge of living in large cities.

On the other hand, residing in big cities is also easier with better access to various facilities. With better infrastructure in urban centers, public transport, hospitals, schools and much more offers city residents much convenience that a non-city resident would lack. For example, Melbourne has a sophisticated public transport network and a wide variety of schools, health care facilities and shops that are all easily accessible by car or train, all of which are comparably less so in rural Victoria. For these reasons, people opine that living in cities is getting easier.

In my opinion, I believe in the latter view that living in cities is indeed becoming more convenient. With greater expenditure on improving the train and tram networks and safety across Melbourne as an example, travelling to and from places has never been easier. This in turn has increased the accessibility to amenities like shops and restaurants with shorter travelling periods needed.

In conclusion, residing in large cities like Jakarta may be more difficult due to congestion. However, I am convinced that cities like Melbourne have in fact increased its ease of access with its infrastructure, and is definitely becoming more convenient.

【Key Vocabulary】
Burden:  动词名词皆可,负担,使负担
Increasingly: adv. 越来越多地,渐增地
Problematic: 问题的,有疑问的,不确定的
Simultaneously: 同时地
Accommodate…needs:  适应…的需要
Densely populated: 人口稠密的
Exponential: 指数的,迅速增长的,迅猛发展的
Be infamously known for:
Infamously是 “臭名昭著的”的意思,这个词组是指“以…而臭名远扬”的意思~
Reside: 住,居住
Infrastructure: 基础设施,公共建设
Sophisticated: 复杂的,精致的,久经世故的
Expenditure: 支出,花费,可以积累一下,增加自己的相关替换词汇哦~
In turn: 依次,转而
Amenity: 便利设施

无忧雅思给大家整理的这些Key vocabulary,都是非常值得大家摘抄入自己的小本子中的哦!当然,文章那些highlight过的句型或者词汇词组,大家都可以把这些表达变成自己的东西哦!学习英语的一大窍门就是积累,不能心急,一步一步,慢慢积累,只有这样,才能真正的boost你的词汇量以及native的表达,才能真正的提升你的英语能力哦!



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