长春市实验中学国际部以浓郁的国际化风情而著称。这不,万圣节悄然而至,为了让学生们真切地感受西方文化氛围,在国际部主任的支持和鼓励下,万圣节狂欢派对一触即发。 万圣节,一个西方国家的神秘节日,源自于古代凯尔特民族的新年节庆,也是一个可以锻炼青少年胆识,开拓学生想象力的节日。10月28日下午,万圣节狂欢派对在长春市实验中学国际部正式拉开帷幕。所有出席的同学都带上面具,身着盛装,将自己打扮成各种角色。现场人头攒动,酷似各类童话故事人物、动漫角色的大联欢,更有同学装扮成了狰狞可怖的怪物,画上鬼脸,时不时给旁人一个“惊喜”。
Changchun Experimental High SchoolInternational Division is well-known as its international taste. In order tolet the students know more about the western culture, the InternationalDivision held a party about Halloween under the support of Director May. Halloweenis a Western countries’ mysterious festival. It originates from the ancientCeltic people, which can also courage the teenagers. The Halloween party inChangchun Experimental High School started on 28th, October. All thestudents dressed up carefully. They played as many rolls in the fairy tales andas the corpses to scare other students.
此次活动主要分为三个部分:雕刻南瓜灯,cosplay 走秀,以及游戏环节。
This party includes three parts: carving pumpkin lantern, cosplayshow and games.
10月28日中午,刚刚放学学生们就开始精心设计,雕刻自己的南瓜。南瓜分小组雕刻,这不仅能够培养学生的动手能力,同时也增强了团队意识。下午2点半,学生们带着自己的南瓜作品准时进入会场,并由外教老师进行选评。随后cosplay同学走入了会场,他们踏上红色的地毯,自信地向大家展示自己。狰狞恐怖的怪物、可爱公主,各种风格的装扮震撼了全场,同学们也都致以热烈的掌声。此环节仍然由评委进行选评。Chad 校长及外教们为雕刻南瓜的前三名,以及cosplay前三名同学颁发了证书,并合影留念。
The students started to carve their own pumpkins after school. The studentswere divided into groups to prepare the pumpkin lantern. This activity couldnot only cultivate the students’ manipulating ability but also enhancing theteam awareness. At 2:30, all the students and teachers come to the glass roomwith their works. All the foreign teachers selected three pumpkins as the mostartistic works. Then the most exciting part started—cosplay. All the students enjoyed this show. After that,Principle Chad and other foreign teachers gave rewards to the students whoperformed well.
最后是游戏环节,共包含三个游戏: 听歌说词,踩气球以及激光过阵。游戏过程中,同学们都积极参与其中,同队同学互帮互助;不同队的同学,都能够秉承友谊第一比赛第二的精神。整个过程中,笑声不断。
The last part of the party is playing games. There are three games:guess the words, step on balloons and pass through the red lines. The studentsall participated actively. And they helped and respected each other. They reallyenjoyed it.
This activity means a lot to the students and they all learned about the Halloween.
cosplay 秀