
2016年11月04日 AF一站式留学专家


Speaking out in Class: Helping Students with Speech Issues

 AF 专栏 
AF Education

专属博客 Liam Carrigan


Every teacher has encountered students like this. The kind of students who, no matter how slowly you speak, or how patiently you encourage and nudge them, they just won’t communicate. 


Of all the challenges I have faced in the English teaching classroom over the past 10 years, this has proven to be one of the most vexing. 


It is important in this situation though, not to get too frustrated. There are a multitude of causes for such reluctance among students, and where there are multiple causes, there are of course, also a multitude of potential remedies. 


First of all, it’s important to consider just what type of speech issue we are dealing with in each particular case. “Speech issues” is a very broad topic base and incorporates a huge range of challenges and disabilities. 


Does the student stammer or stutter? Do they have a nervous condition? Are they suffering from stress or anxiety? Are they on the autistic spectrum? 


These are just a small share of the many possibilities we have to consider. 


What is most important from the teacher’s perspective is to remember this above all:


Speech problems are not the student’s fault!


In almost all cases, the student really wants to express themselves and play just as big a part in the lesson as the rest of their classmates, but something is holding them back. 


Once we understand this fundamental point, we can then begin to explore some possible ideas as to what may be the problem and how best to tackle it. 


Before we start looking at individual solutions however, we also need to consider what simple steps we as teachers can take to make the situation less stressful both for the student and their classmates. 


Creating a positive learning environment may sound like some overly simplistic “buzz words” but this really is an important point to remember. 


Often the underlying causes of speech issues are psychological. It could be a trauma, it could be a neurological or developmental disorder, or it could just be extreme anxiety. In any of these cases, doing all you can to create a positive, supportive environment in the classroom will make a huge difference. 


So, how do we achieve this?


Firstly, think about how you interact with the students, especially the student with the speech issue. Be sure to offer as much praise and positive feedback to the student as possible. Even if they only say a few words, understand that for such a student this requires a gargantuan effort and should be acknowledged as such. 


Also, be careful when you offer correction. As a general rule, you probably want to “go a little easier” on these students than you would with regular students. 


In my case, I ordinarily don’t correct a student with a speech issue when they make a minor grammatical or pronunciation error. I only correct them in the case where they have said something so far from the intended meaning that comprehension becomes very difficult. 


However, if you adopt this tact with your students with speech issues, for that one class you will need to adopt a similar model of error correction with the rest of the class too. Otherwise, it could look like you are singling that one student out specifically. 


As someone with speech issues, there is a fairly high probability that this student is already the subject of some teasing or strange looks from the other kids and you don’t want to do anything that runs the risk of driving a further wedge between them and their peers. 


Bullying can also be a concern and you need to keep an eye out for the signs. If the student suddenly becomes quieter and more withdrawn than usual, if they are reluctant to attend classes or if they show signs of additional anger or frustration then these are all potential indicators of bullying and need to be investigated. 


One good way to get nervous students interacting more in class is to use a buddy system. 


Identify one of the stronger, more confident students in your class and pair them up with the student who has speech issues. The stronger student can encourage them and offer help and support. If the nervous student is having a bad day and feels unable to communicate then they can also communicate through their “buddy” if the idea of speaking in front of the whole class is too scary for them on that particular day. 


You may also want to rethink what activities you give to the students. 


In such a scenario, individual speaking activities are going to make the student feel singled out and exposed. So team based games are perhaps better. In pair work scenarios, be careful who you pair the student up with. Make sure it is someone who you know will be understanding and supportive and not make the student feel any more nervous and reluctant than they already do. 


As I said before, teaching students with speech issues is undoubtedly one of the greatest challenges a language teacher can face. However, that works two ways. I know from experience that there is no greater sense of satisfaction a teacher can have than to see such a student overcome their barriers and speak loudly and proudly!

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