Third annual Hallowee'n party | 2016年万圣节狂欢趴

2016年11月04日 合肥加拿大国际学校

The Canadian International School of Hefei organized their third annual Hallowee’n party. Ms. Caines, Mr. Santos, Ms. Morro and Ms. Chislett planned all events for October 31st The students had an amazing time! This was definitely evident when we had to ask them to leave at the end. Everyone loved dancing together! Our parents were fascinated. 

合肥加拿大国际学校举办了第三场年度万圣节派对。Ms. Caines, Mr. Santos, Ms. Morro 和 Ms. Chislett计划了10月31号的所有活动,每个学生都度过了一个愉快的下午。最明显的是最后结束离场的时候,大家都非常开心地在一起跳舞!家长们也完全被吸引住了。

CISH had artistic pumpkin carving, an original  Hallowee’n –Themed Door Decorating Contest ,  a circuit of games in the gym and also a photo booth. They also had delicious trick or treating. The students, parents and teachers all participated in  a costume parade and this was definitely enjoyed by everyone. Our Kindergarten class dance “ Crazy Bones” was a big hit  and then the CISH Dance Troupe performed their professional dance routine. Ms. Caines class won the pumpkin contest and our Grade 5’s won the door decorating contest. Thank you CISH for a great time! 

我们有一个传统的万圣节,其中有南瓜艺术雕刻比赛 、主题门装饰大赛,同时,我们的体育馆内还设有各种游戏和摄影区。孩子们都用自己的努力得到了非常美味的糖果。学生、家长和老师们都参加了我们的万圣节服装游行,每个人都非常愉快。我们幼儿园小朋友跳的舞蹈“疯狂的骨头”是一场非常成功的演出,我们CISH的舞蹈团也展现出了最专业的一面。MS.Caines 的五年级班级赢得了南瓜比赛和教室门装饰比赛的大奖。感谢大家的热情参与与努力让我们度过了一个非常愉快的万圣节。



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