Create Dreams with Science& Achieve Life Goals by Reading
Francis Bacon once said that knowledge is a kind of happiness and curious is the bud of knowledge. Children get to know the world starting from their curious!
In order to stimulate students’ interest in science and technology, CLS-C invited the famous science writer Mr. Yafei Wang to give a lecture “bring science and technology to children” to students on September 28th of 2016.
Rocky from G3 presented a portrait to Mr. Wang
Two young pioneers presented the red scarf and flowerto Mr. Wang
Mr.Wang’s lecture was very humorous, all of the studentshad a great interest in it. Distinguishing the classification of the dinosaurs was so interesting. Then Mr. Wang told the students the species of dinosaurfossils. Explanation, films, and videotapes were shown for his lecture in orderto let the students know more about the dinosaurs. In his meticulous process, he rewarded the students who answers question, all the students were positive.
Look! The students were answering questions very actively.
Mr.Wang’s lecture not only inspired the students’ interest in creation, thinking, reading and writing, but also planted the seeds of literature in students’heart and built a good reading atmosphere in our campus.
At the end ofthe activity, our students lined up one by one to wait for the writer to signhis name on their new books.
In the modern society with rapid development of science and technology, we can’tdo anything without science and reading at all times. The lecture developed our students' visions and let students to understand more about reading.