
2017年06月30日 上海英国移民中心


【所有320万现在居住在英国的欧盟人士都可以留在英国; 他们将获得与英国人一样的医疗,教育,福利和养老金待遇; 作为交换条件,100万现在居住在欧盟国家的英国人也必须获得同等待遇】





Speaking over dinner at the Brussels summit, Mrs May told leaders of the other 27 EU nations: 'The UK's position represents a fair and serious offer and one aimed at giving as much certainty as possible to citizens who have settled in the UK, building careers and lives and contributing so much to our society.'

She said the UK did not want anyone currently in Britain to be forced to leave. 




Under Mrs May's plans, unveiled on the eve of the anniversary of the Brexit referendum, EU nationals who have lived in the UK for five years by a specific cut-off date will be given the chance to take up 'settled status.


Those resident for a shorter period will have the opportunity to stay on until they have reached the five-year threshold.

【在截止日期以后,但是在英国脱欧日以前抵达英国的欧盟人士,将获得一个预计2年的“缓冲期grace period”,在这个缓冲期内,这些人可以申请他们的英国居留权的合法化】

Anyone arriving after the cut-off date but before the date of Brexit will have a 'grace period' - expected to be two years - within which to regularise their immigration status with a view to later seeking settled status.


The cut-off date is yet to be set, but will come between the day when Britain formally notified Brussels of its intention to quit on April 29 2017 and the day when it finally leaves, expected to be March 29 2019. 









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