
2017年06月20日 创业美国

在人工智能和机器学习领域中,谷歌堪称领军企业。但早前,其具有图像识别功能的产品Google Photos却误把两名黑人标注为“大猩猩”。随后谷歌迅速对此道歉,并表示将调整算法以修复这一问题。而Google Photos并不是第一个犯这类错误的图像识别工具。雅虎旗下的照片分享网站Flickr也曾经把用户上传的照片标记错误,错把纳粹集中营标记成“运动”。



Clarifai创始人Matthew Zeiler,纽约大学计算机科学PHD,是“深度学习”开山鼻祖Geoffrey Hinton的得意门生。为了创业,他几乎拒绝了整个硅谷。

2016年,Clarifai刚刚收获了价值 3000 万美元的 B 轮融资。作为图像识别领域为数不多的独立玩家,Clarifai在成立四年多的时间里率先将图形识别从静态图片带入了接近实时的级别。





Clarifai创始人Matthew Zeiler (以下简称M)



C:What kind of technologies behind it



M:So we have artificial intelligence technology to understand images and video automatically. This just takes in the pixels of the image.It doesn't need to know anything else and it can predicts things like dog, tree, mountain.  As well as descriptive words like happiness or scenic automatically from your data.



C:What does that really mean?Do you think now AI is smarter than human being?



M:It depends on how you define intelligence and smartness of humans,  because in certain applications machines can definitely outperform humans. So AlphoGo is one that they have built algorithms that can surpass the best humans on the planet And with image recognition. We're seeing the same thing, so we have algorithms that can surpass accuracy of even doctors.



M:So specialists trained for decade in school that are experts practicing every single day the reliability and the consistency of a machine can be much higher and it can also learn from much more data than a doctor is exposed to.



M:For example, my dad is actually a doctor in the small farm town that I grew up in. And so the number of patients that he could possibly see in his lifetime is so many orders of magnitude smaller than how much you can feed through a machine. And so it has so much more opportunity to be smarter than a human.



C:I remember Google system labeled african american couple as gorillas, so are there any similar limitations of Clarifai? Does Clarifai make any mistakes?



M:I mean of course Clarifai makes some mistakes. We haven't had any kind of PR disaster like that and we have a blacklist of concepts that we would view as being offensive.



C:How accurate is Clarifai now?



M:Accuracy is kind of in the eye of the beholder, because it depends on what data you actually care about. We have coming in our platform is an ability to evaluate the accuracy on your specific data which is really important for all of our customers.



C:How fast it can be?



M:In a fraction of a second , just take a picture and find the most visually similar stuff.



C:How about other competitors, for example Google system, how fast can they do?



M:They actually don't support video today.



C: are the only guy?

你们是行业里唯一能够识别视频的公司吗 ?





C:How important is image recognition?



M:If you want to discover content, there is no way you could flip through the whole internet,  That’s just impossible. But a machine could, that applies anywhere you have an image or if video in every possible industry. Where there's an image video, image recognition can understand it and extract value from it.



C:What kind of customers do you have?



M:One is organization and one is moderation. So organization is this discovery experience where all the content from a company and their end users. Creating new content can be organized so that other users can come and search and find the content they're looking for.



M:For example, where the person creating the content is a professional photographer and the buyer might be a head agency or something like that. And they want some good content, and so both of them benefit. The uploader can use our technology to tag the content much faster than they can manually tag it. Which they had to do in the past and the buyer now gets a better experience because every single image is tagged in the same way. Maybe you can search and find wedding content easier or a travel site and trying to find your next vacation destination.



M:Now the second bucket, I was mentioning is moderation and we have a lot of customers using us to filter out content that they don't want on their site. Either internally or like a marketplace or a public part of their site. That big brands themselves like Unilever are using us and so they want to have their marketing team find throughout social media good examples of pictures that are being created that convey their brand.



M:And so the marketing team is able to use our new training technology which includes a user interface they don’t have to write a single line of code. And then once the model is trained it can go through all social media and find the pictures for them that they can use in their next ad campaign. And so some offensive things like nudity drugs weapons violence, we can recognize all these things and prevent them from being displayed on your site.



C:You are not alone in the field, do you think Clarifai can be better?



M:Yes. And a lot of our customers compare us to the other publicly available APIs. Some of those companies you mentioned don't have APIs. Apple is another example who has publicly said they're investing a lot in machine learning, but they don't have it. We're an API platform that people across all different industries can use to recognize their visual content.



M:And it's very simple, Send us an image, we tell you what's in it.  Or send us a video we tell you the time series of what's in it. Google, Microsoft, IBM and Amazon, all four of them have APIs, and they are now our competitors.



C:How did you get into AI and image recognition?



M:It happened when I was in undergrad at University of Toronto. So Jeff is kind of the pioneer of this field has been working on these neural nets since the 70s and 80s and he was an emeritus professor. It was the first time he’s ever taken an undergrad. So I got a taste in machine learning in undergraduate.  I didn't know enough about machine learning in order to start a company,  and that's what brought me here to New York to go to NYU to learn more about neural networks applied to images. So I did my Ph.D. at NYU for four years.



C:You interned at Google?



M:Yep! At Google Brain.



C:Tell us about your experience there.



M:I spent the summer of 2012 and 2013 at Google Brain and I was hosted by Marc'Aurelio Ranzato who is now at Facebook AI. And then the second summer I was hosted by Jeff Dean who runs the Google brain team. One of my projects that actually made it out to the real world was a house number recognition system. That was really cool because after my internship, when I was using the Internet, in certain sites it would pop up. And I was like oh, I built that!

我2012年和2013年的暑假都在“谷歌大脑”实习。第一年跟随Marc'Aurelio Ranzato,他现在是Facebook人工智能方面的研究科学家。第二年夏天,我师从Jeff Dean,他负责运营整个“谷歌大脑”项目。当时我做的一个项目后来真的问世了, 那是一套谷歌地图用的门牌号码识别系统。这个感觉很酷。后来我实习结束上网的时候 ,时不时会跳出来这个系统。我会想说,这就是我当年做的。



C:I heard you got so many offers after you graduated.



M:Couple weeks after I came back, I got a phone call, and it said on my call display Alan Eustace, and I have never talked to him before. He was a senior vice president at Google of their entire search and knowledge division. And I was like OK, I pick up and he said I talked to Jeff Dean, we really want you to join Google when you graduate. So we put together the largest new graduate offer we've ever given a student.

我实习结束回来几周后接到一个电话,手机上显示打电话的人是Alan Eustace。我从来没有跟他说过话,他是谷歌的副总裁,负责整个谷歌知识研发部门,于是我就接了电话。他说我和Jeff Dean聊过了,我们诚挚邀请你在毕业后加入谷歌,我们还为你开出了谷歌历史上给应届毕业生的最丰厚Offer


C:How much money?



M:I can't say. I was like wow this is crazy. And I knew Microsoft, Facebook and Apple wanted to chat as well, so I did a low road trip and met everybody, I met Mark Zuckerberg in the process which is a really interesting.



C:How is he? what’s your first impression about him?



M:Incredibly smart and humble as well And the way he speaks is really inspiring.  It was a really cool opportunity to meet him.



C:So he gave you an offer?



M:So I got an offer from Facebook from Apple and Microsoft ended up doubling Google's offer. And then Google matched that, and put a 24 hour window on it. So I had this crazy period where I had a lower risk of joining one of the tech giant





C:It must be hard to say no to these big guys.



M:My parents were like take the money, but my wife and myself we knew what we had. What I realized was that the technology I had in New York was working better than what Google had internally. And Google was already years ahead of everybody else out there. And then I had these the early workings of Clarifai, working in my apartment and I submitted the first five neural networks that I had trained to this annual competition called ImageNet.




M:And the goal of the competition is to recognize a thousand different categories of objects within images. And three weeks later the results came out and clarify won the top five places in the competition. So it was a great way to kick off a company with the world's best image recognition. And so everybody at Clarifai realizes that they could go work at any of these companies, but we have a mission where we want to be the independent AI company. We don't want to get acquired, we want to build something big.



M:One of the coolest things I thought machine learning part was gonna be the coolest thing, but coming into the office and seeing 45 people now, all working our way towards our mission is incredible to see. So I'm very glad I decided on that.



























[email protected]

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