
2017年07月02日 中美e家帮

案,经过警方三个礼拜的追踪调查已经有了最新结果。美国联邦调查局6月30日晚间宣布,已经逮捕一名涉嫌绑架中国访问学者章莹颖的27岁嫌犯布兰德.克里斯坦森(Brendt A. Christensen),并已被起诉绑架罪,最令人不可思议的是,嫌犯居然是该大学的物理系博士生。。。不幸的是,根据警方发布的声明,相信章莹颖已经遇害!



June 30

This evening, police arrested Brendt A. Christensen, 27, of Champaign, on charges of kidnapping in the disappearance of Yingying Zhang.

From the Department of Justice news release:

Late today, FBI agents arrested a Champaign, Ill., man, Brendt Christensen, 27, on a criminal complaint that charges Christensen with kidnapping visiting Chinese scholar Yingying Zhang on June 9, 2017. Christensen will remain in law enforcement custody pending his initial federal court appearance in Urbana scheduled on Monday, July 3, at 10:00 a.m.

The arrest and charges were announced by FBI Special Agent in Charge Sean Cox, Springfield Division, and Acting U.S. Attorney Patrick D. Hansen.

The affidavit filed in support of the complaint alleges that on June 9, Christensen was driving the black Saturn Astra which was observed on security camera video as it stopped next to Zhang at the corner of W. Clark St. and N. Goodwin Ave., at approximately 2:00 p.m. Zhang is observed on video entering the front passenger side of the vehicle. The vehicle then pulled away and proceeded northbound on N. Goodwin Ave.

Since Zhang was last seen in the video entering the car, the FBI, the University of Illinois Police Department and the Illinois State Police and local law enforcement have worked around the clock to locate Ms. Zhang and to investigate her disappearance. As part of this effort, the University of Illinois community of faculty, staff and students, and residents of the Champaign-Urbana community have provided information and support to law enforcement in the continuing search for Ms. Zhang.

According to the affidavit, on June 29, 2017, while Christensen was under law enforcement surveillance, agents overheard him explaining that he kidnapped Zhang. Based on this, and other facts uncovered during the investigation of this matter, law enforcement agents believe that Ms. Zhang is no longer alive.

Members of Ms. Zhang’s family, the Chinese consulate, and University of Illinois officials have been advised of Christensen’s arrest and the evidence in the possession of the FBI.

Members of the public are reminded that a complaint is merely an accusation; the defendant is presumed innocent unless proven guilty.

FBI 关于章莹颖失踪案调查简叙: 

警方在接到报案后,在伊利诺伊州车管处发现18辆类似车辆,然后FBI与这18辆车主分别进行了询问,在此同时,FBI 还发现其中有一辆车牌号P399495的车子有一个天窗和前轮裂痕这些与摄像头拍下的特征一致。FBI于12号在嫌犯住的公寓找到汽车,嫌犯被问过话。嫌犯开始说不知道绑架那天在干什么,后来说在睡觉,或者在打游戏。14号FBI发现车上有一个裂了的轮毂罩,15号FBI拿到了搜索令,进了嫌犯房间,发现他与一个室友同住。16号嫌犯被FBI查询, 承认自己给章莹颖提供a ride, 说自己开错了路,然后章莹颖发疯了, 然后就让章莹颖下车了。FBI从嫌犯房间里拿走嫌犯手机等物件。嫌犯手机访问了网页,搜索abduction, kidnapping(有关绑架的网站)15号,FBI搜索了车子,发现车子副驾驶座位被清洗。16号FBI对嫌犯监控,29号嫌犯说他违背章莹颖本人的意愿把章莹颖绑架到他的公寓。根据证词和其它在调查中找到的依据,权威部门确信章莹颖已经不在人世。







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