
2017年06月23日 美国驻华大使馆

2014年,漫威漫画( Marvel Comics)继续在其虚构世界中添加多样性,并引入卡玛拉·克汗 – 一名居住在新泽西州的16岁巴基斯坦裔美国穆斯林女孩 – 这一新任超级女英雄。

创作者Sana Amanat给了克汗变形和治愈的超能力,并让可汗接过了其偶像、初代惊奇女士(Ms. Marvel)卡罗尔·丹弗斯的衣钵。





In 2014, Marvel Comics continued to add diversity to its fictional world and introduced Kamala Khan – a 16-year-old Pakistani-American Muslim girl who lives in New Jersey – as its newest superheroine.  Creator Sana Amanat gave Khan shapeshift and healing powers, and chose her name after her idol Carol Danvers, the original Ms. Marvel.  The winner of the Hugo Award for best graphic story in 2015, the new Ms. Marvel is one of the first Muslim characters to headline her own comic book and struggles with life as an American teenager, traditional notions of beauty standards, and stereotypes about Muslim life.  The top selling series dispels many generalizations.  Do you think comic characters can help increase understanding about other cultures?

To learn more (eng): https://www.wired.com/2014/01/ms-marvel-muslim-superheroine/ 

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