
2014年11月05日 澳大利亚豪力法律服务




· 在澳大利亚注册公司

· 澳大利亚的公司管理规则

· 澳大利亚公司的劳资关系

· 澳大利亚的外商投资基本规则

· 澳大利亚税收政策


· 澳大利亚背景篇:包括澳大利亚政府制度、法律制度、企业结构

· 其他常见领域法律与规定:技术与知识产权保护、反垄断和消费者保护法、合同法、公开接管、电子商务、商业移民和雇主担保签证、房地产、环境法、气候变化相关规定


















ABN是一组11位的数字通常是公司的ACN加另外两位数字,由澳大利亚税务局ATO管理并用于税收。没有ABN的后果可能是很严重的。例如,当一个供应商在其发票上未引用其ABN时,买方将预扣其应付给该供应商的金额的46.5所得税的最高税率加国家医疗保险Medicare 征费,并将其支付给ATO。这笔款项只有在供应商提交纳税申报单后才会被退回给该供应商如果该供应商不须按照46.5%的税率纳税





Australia has shown itself to be an exceptional place to dobusiness, with a resilient economy, well developed infrastructure and is wellpositioned to provide a gateway into the fast growing areas of China.

Foreign investment is welcomed in Australia. We at HoldingRedlich would welcome the opportunity to help you either establish a businesshere or facilitate a transaction you are considering with an Australian entity. Our overseas clients appreciate ourhigh level skills and experience in commercial real estate, agribusiness,infrastructure, energy and resources, business migration, foreign investmentrules and business structures in particular.

The coming topicswe are going to provide to you include:

  • Setting up inAustralia

  • Company Administration

  • WorkplaceRelations

  • Foreign Investment

  • Tax

We will also bring many more valuable information and news relevant to your business and investment in Australia in our later release.

Setting up in Australia

Australian Companies

The procedure for setting up a limited liability company,either a proprietary or public (not listed) company, is straight forward, withthe relevant forms required to be lodged with ASIC (usually

by an incorporation agent). Australian companies must have aregistered office in Australia as well as director/s and a secretary (mandatoryfor a public company, usual but not compulsory for a proprietary company) thatreside in Australia.

Registered ForeignCompany

As mentioned above, companies incorporated outside Australiaor incorporated bodies that do not have their principal place of business

in Australia may carry on business through an Australianbranch (by registering the foreign company through ASIC) or subsidiary (byregistering a new company through ASIC).

The procedure to register a foreign company is slightly moreonerous than establishing a new company in Australia as a subsidiary, as the foreign company must lodge anapplication form with ASIC together with other documents (including itsconstituent documents). In addition, a foreign company establishing a branchmust have a registered office in Australia and appoint a local agent (who may be a natural person or company inAustralia) to represent the company. The agent is responsible for the company’scompliance with the Corporations Act and is personally liable for anycontravention of the Corporations Act.

Once registered, a foreign company must lodge copies of itsfinancial statements, comply with various notification obligations, is giventhe power to hold land under the Corporations Act and may sue and be sued underAustralian law.

Business Names

A person may reserve a business name that is not identicalto one already reserved or registered,

not included in the National Business Names Register and nototherwise considered to be unacceptable. It is also prudent to conduct an IPAustralia Trade Mark check to confirm if a proposed business name is the same or similar to a registeredtrademark.

Unless a company’s business name is the name of theindividual operating the company, the company must register the business name through ASIC under the NationalBusiness Names Register.

ACNs, ARBNs and ABNs


On registration, all companies are given a nine digit AustralianCompany Number (ACN) which must be quoted on all company publications, cheques,invoices and other official documents.


An Australian Registered Business Number (ARBN) is theequivalent of an ACN but is allocated to entities, other than Australiancompanies, when they are registered with ASIC. This includes foreign companies.


All companies which trade in Australia must register for anAustralian Business Number (ABN) under the Australian tax system.

The ABN is an 11 digit number (usually the ACN of a companywith two further numbers added), maintained by the Australian Tax Office (ATO)for tax purposes. The consequences for not having an ABN can be serious. For example, when a supplier fails toquote an ABN on their invoice, the purchaser is required to withhold 46.5%(being the top marginal rate of income tax plus the national healthcare(Medicare) levy) of the amount payable to the supplier and remit that amount tothe ATO. This amount will then only be credited back to the supplier on lodgementof their tax return (presuming the supplier not to be subject to the 46.5% rateof tax).

Australian SecuritiesExchange (ASX)

The ASX is the primary Australian Securities Exchange thathas markets trading in equities, derivatives, futures and fixed interestsecurities. The ASX is the second largest securities exchange in theAsia-Pacific and operates under self-imposed rules (Listing Rules) aimed atprotecting shareholder rights, ensuring major decisions are not taken withoutconsulting members, as well as setting out the continuous disclosureobligations of the listed companies.

Registered foreign companies listed on an approved foreignexchange may apply for an ASX foreign exempt listing if they satisfy a specificprofits test or net tangible assets test set out in the Listing Rules. The profits test requires, among othermatters, that the foreign entity has operating profit before income tax foreach of the three years before listing of at least $200 million, while the nettangible assets test requires, among other matters, that the foreign entityhave net tangible assets of at least $2 billion at the time of listing. These companies are notrequired to comply with ASX Listing Rules, but instead must continue to complywith the rules of the foreign exchange on which they are listed and mustprovide to the ASX a range of documents and reports on an on-going basis.

If a company does not meet the foreign exempt listingrequirements, it may apply for listingbut will be required to establish an Australian securities register,appoint a local agent and comply fully with all applicable ASX Listing Rules.


· 澳大利亚的公司管理规则

· 澳大利亚公司的劳资关系

· 澳大利亚的外商投资基本规则

· 澳大利亚税收政策



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豪力律师事务所(Holding Redlich)是澳大利亚最为知名的律师事务所之一。豪力定期为政府部门和机构提供法律咨询服务、同时也是国际法律合作联盟成员。



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