在澳经商 — 企业结构, 董事职责和内幕交易【下】

2015年05月01日 澳大利亚豪力法律服务


5. 董事职责

澳大利亚公司的管理属于由自然人(非其他公司)组成的董事会。相比之下, 公司的所有者,作为股东,不参与公司的管理。










5.1 谨慎和勤勉的责任



5.2 利益冲突


5.3 诚信责任


5.4 防止破产交易的责任


5.5 其他义务


6. 市场敏感资料的保护






作者:豪力合伙人伊恩•罗伯逊(Ian Robertson)




· 在澳大利亚成立公司须知

· 澳大利亚相关背景,例如包括澳大利亚政府制度、法律制度、企业结构

· 其他常见领域法律与规定,例如技术与知识产权保护、反垄断和消费者保护法、合同法、公开接管、电子商务、商业移民和雇主担保签证、房地产、环境法等

· 专业信息与见解,如对外商投资的监管要求等


Doing Business in Australia – Government, Business Structures, Directors Duties and Insider Trading [Part 3]

5. Directors duties

The management of an Australian company is vested in the board of directors which must consist of natural persons (rather than other companies). By way of contrast, the owners of the company, being the shareholders, are not involved in the management of the company.

In practice, the board of directors delegates most of the management tasks of the company to the company’s management, headed by the Chief Executive Officer or Managing Director, and usually only makes important decisions including those related to strategy and policy.

Usually the board will reserve to itself the appointment and remuneration of the company’s Chief Executive Officer or Managing Director, the approval of annual budgets and business plans as well as other decisions concerning policy and strategy, the management of performance and business results, and issues relating to legal compliance and governance and communication with the company’s shareholders.

There are a number of important obligations and responsibilities placed upon Australian company directors. These are contained in the common law (being the law decided over a period of time by the courts of Australia and, to an extent, England), and a variety of statutes, most importantly the Corporations Act.

Under the Corporations Act, directors have basic duties to the company of which they are a director to carry out their position with care and diligence, to not profit from their position or misuse information, and to avoid conflicts of interest. These duties also apply to the company’s senior executives which under Australian law are usually referred to as “officers”.

The most important obligations of directors and officers of an Australian company under the Corporations Act are:

(a) the duty of care and diligence;

(b) the obligation to exercise good faith in the discharge of their powers and duties;

(c) the obligation not to use their position to gain a personal advantage for themselves, or someone else or to cause detriment to the company; and

(d) the obligation not to use information they hold because of their office to gain an advantage for themselves or someone else.

5.1 Duty to exercise care and diligence

The duty of care and diligence requires directors and officers to exercise their powers and discharge their duties with a degree of care and diligence that a reasonable person would exercise if they were a director of the corporation in the corporation’s circumstances, and occupying the office held by the director or officer, and had the same responsibility within the corporation as the director or officer.

Under the Corporations Act, a director or officer of a company who makes a business judgment is taken to have exercised their powers with reasonable care and diligence if they make the judgment in good faith for a proper purpose, do not have a material personal interest in the subject matter of the judgment, inform themselves about the subject matter of the judgment to the extent reasonably appropriate, and believe that the judgment is in the best interest of the company.

5.2 Conflicts of interest

Directors and officers of companies must ensure that they are alert to conflicts of interest and deal with them within the law. This is often as simple as disclosing the conflict to the other directors of the company and absenting themselves from being involved in the making of decisions in respect of the issue in question.

5.3 Duty of good faith

One of the most important obligations of company directors and officers under the Corporations Act is the duty to act in good faith in the best interests of the company.

5.4 Duty to prevent insolvent trading

Directors also have an important duty to prevent a company of which they are a director incurring a debt while the company is insolvent. The test of insolvency is usually referred to as whether the company can pay its debts as and when they fall due. This is a particularly important obligation because, in certain circumstances, a director of a company which incurs debts which it is subsequently unable to pay may be personally liable for those debts and be sued by a future liquidator of the company.

5.5 Other obligations

In addition to the duties above, directors may be subject to additional obligations under industry specific legislation or health and safety regulations.

6. Protection of market sensitive information

Australia, in common with many other counties, has a strong legal regime which seeks to ensure that its security markets are well informed and that persons with market-sensitive information which is not generally available cannot make use of that information for the benefit of themselves or anyone else. These prohibitions are generally referred to as preventing insider trading, but in reality they go much further.

The insider trading prohibition applies where a person possesses information that is not generally available and which is material (or a reasonable person would expect it to have a material effect on the price or value of securities if it were generally available), and the person knows, or ought reasonably to know, that the information is not generally available and if it were generally available a reasonable person would expect it to have a material effect on the price or value of the relevant securities. The term “securities” when used here refers to not only shares but to a wide range of financial products.

If the prohibition applies, the person in possession of the information is prohibited from dealing in the relevant financial products and from communicating the information to any other person who might make use of it to deal in the financial products.

The prohibition has the practical effect of preventing a listed Australian company from communicating to analysts information that is not generally available to the wider market and is materially price sensitive. Selective disclosure to analysts is considered objectionable because it results in the analyst in the possession of the relevant information to have an advantage over others which leads to market unfairness and an ill-informed market.

Significant civil and criminal penalties apply to those who breach the prohibition on insider trading and the relevant Australian regulator, ASIC has a wide range of powers including the ability to apply to a court to restrain those suspected of insider trading from leaving Australia.

Author: Ian Robertson - Partner at Holding Redlich


We provide excellent expert advice to businesses wishing to invest in Australia.

To view our previous news releases for Chinese investors and the following articles of the topic ‘Basic legal knowledge on doing business in Australia’, please click the upper-right button on our WeChat platform, andclick ‘view previous information’:

· Business set up in Australia, business structures, company administration, etc.

· Background information of Australia, including Australian government, legal system, and business structures, etc.

· Laws and regulations in various common areas, including protection of technology and intellectual property, anti-trust and consumer law, contract law, business migration, realproperty, public takeovers, and electronic commerce etc.

· Professional industrial updates and insights, such as regulation on foreign investment

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