
2014年11月14日 澳大利亚豪力法律服务









FW法中颁布的全国就业标准NES 规定了就业的条款和条件方面的最低标准安全网络,适用于联邦立法体系内的所有员工。下文概述了10NES

1. 每周最长工作时间:雇主不得要求雇员每周工作超过38小时,除非额外时间是合理的。

2. 要求弹性工作安排:如果员工负有照料责任、或这是老年人或残疾人、或正在经历家庭暴力、或需要照顾家人或家庭中的家庭暴力的受害者,则员工有权要求灵活的安排工作时间。雇主只能有合理的商业理由才能拒绝此类要求。

3. 产假: 新生儿父母可以每人申请不超过12个月的不带薪假期。联邦政府有一项带薪育儿假计划,对于休产假的父母,可以向负有主要护理责任的休假员工按照最低工资支付不超过18个星期的工资,并向其同时休产假但不负有主要护理责任的配偶按照最低工资支付多达2个星期的工资。

4. 年假:员工每年有权享有4个星期的带薪年假。对于兼职员工,此假期应按实际工作时间比例计算。轮班工人每年有权享有5个星期的带薪年假。

5. 个人/护理假期:员工每年有权享有合计10天的带薪个人假期病假和护理假期。员工同时还享有带薪丧假和不带薪护理假期。

6. 社区服务假:员工在开展社区服务活动时享有带薪假期,例如陪审团服务和应急服务责任。

7. 长期服务休假:长期服务假期按照适用的州法律计算。联邦政府计划在未来实施一项国家长期服务休假制度,用以规定统一的长期服务休假权利。

8. 公共假日:员工有权在规定的公共假日享受休假。在公共假日没有上班的员工有权按照其正常上班所赢得的工资水平获得工资。

9. 解雇通知和遣散费: 雇主不得解除员工的劳动关系,除非已经在必要的期限内提前向员工发出了通知,或除非向员工支付一定金额的工资,以代替上述解雇通知。如果雇主不需要任何人替代承担某员工的工作而终止该员工的劳动关系被,则该员工有权获得遣散费。遣散费的金额见NES中的相关规定。

10. 公平工作信息声明:新员工开始工作后,其雇主必须尽快向员工提供公平工作信息声明。该声明由澳大利亚公平工作委员会颁布,其中包含FW法中规定的关于雇佣条款和条件的基本信息。




· 澳大利亚公司的劳资关系——下

· 澳大利亚的外商投资基本规则

· 澳大利亚税收政策


· 澳大利亚背景篇:包括澳大利亚政府制度、法律制度、企业结构

· 其他常见领域法律与规定:技术与知识产权保护、反垄断和消费者保护法、合同法、公开接管、电子商务、商业移民和雇主担保签证、房地产、环境法、气候变化相关规定


Workplace Relations in Australia

– Part 1


In Australia, both federal and state laws govern nearly allaspects of the employment relationship, including the standard terms andconditions of employment, leave and holidays, tax and superannuation, discriminationand workplace health and safety.

In general, the federal system of employment laws will applyto foreign companies who have a subsidiary which is registered in, or employspeople in, Australia.

Fair Work Act

The principal law relating to employment is the Fair Work Act2009 (FW Act). The FW Act covers all privatesector employees in Australia, with a limited exception in Western Australia.

Minimum Safety Net Conditions

The National Employment Standards (NES) found in the FW Actprovide the minimum standards (or “safety net”) in respect of the terms andconditions of employment that apply to all employees covered by the federal legislation.There are 10 NES which are summarised below:

1. Maximum weekly hours:an employer must not require an employee to work more than 38 hours per weekunless the additional hours are reasonable.

2. Requests for flexibleworking arrangements: employees have a right to request flexible working hoursif they have carer responsibilities, or are elderly or have a disability, or areexperiencing family violence, or need to care for a victim of family violencein the employee’s family or household. An employer can only decline the requeston ‘reasonable business grounds’.

3. Parental leave: newparents can each take a maximum of 12 months of unpaid parental leave. The federalgovernment has a Paid Parental Leave Scheme which offers up to 18 weeks pay atthe minimum wage to employees on parental leave with primary carer responsibilitiesplus up to two weeks pay at minimum wage for partners who are also taking parentalleave but are not the primary caregiver.

4. Annual leave: employeesare entitled to four weeks’ paid annual leave for each year of service. This ispro-rated for part-time employees. Shiftworkers are entitled to five weeks’ paid annual leave for each year of service.

5. Personal/carer’sleave: employees are entitled to a total of 10 days’ paid personal (sick leave)and carer’s leave for each year of service. Employees are also entitled to paidcompassionate leave and unpaid carer’s leave.

6. Community serviceleave: employees are entitled to unpaid leave to undertake community serviceactivities such as jury service and emergency service duties.

7. Long service leave:long service leave continues to accrue in accordance with applicable statelegislation. The federal government plans to implement a national long serviceleave system in the future to provide for nationally consistent long service leaveentitlements.

8. Public holidays: anemployee is entitled to be absent from work on prescribed public holidays. Anemployee who is absent from work on a public holiday will be entitled to paymentat their base rate of pay for the ordinary hours that would have been worked.

9. Notice of terminationand redundancy pay: an employer must not terminate an employee’s employmentunless they have given the employee the necessary period of written notice, orunless they have paid the employee an amount of salary in lieu of that noticeperiod. Employees are entitled to redundancy pay where their employment is terminatedbecause the employer no longer requires their job to be done by anyone. Theamount of redundancy pay is prescribed in the NES.

10. Fair Work Information Statement: employers are requiredto give new employees the Fair Work Information Statement as soon as practicableafter they start work. The Statement is published by Fair Work Australia andcontains general information about the terms and conditions of employment underthe FW Act.


We provideexcellent, expert advice to businesses wishing to invest in Australia.

The coming topicsinclude:

· Work Place Relations – Part 2

· Foreign Investment

· Tax

We will also bring you many more valuable information and news relevant to your investment in Australia in our later release, such as:

· Background information of Australia, including Australian government, legal system, and business structures, etc.

· Laws and regulations in various common areas,including protection of technology and intellectual property, anti-trust and consumer law, contract law, business migration, real property, public takeovers, and electronic commerce etc.

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