· 澳大利亚公司的劳资关系
· 澳大利亚的外商投资基本规则
· 澳大利亚税收政策
· 澳大利亚背景篇:包括澳大利亚政府制度、法律制度、企业结构
· 其他常见领域法律与规定:技术与知识产权保护、反垄断和消费者保护法、合同法、公开接管、电子商务、商业移民和雇主担保签证、房地产、环境法、气候变化相关规定
Australian Company Administration
A public company must have at least three directors and aproprietary company at least one. In the case of a public company, at least two directors are to be persons ordinarily resident in Australia and for aproprietary company at least one director is to be a person who resides in Australia.
Australian law imposes duties and obligations on directors in relation to honesty, reasonable care and diligence and proper use of information and position. Ignorance on the part of a director will not affectthe application of these duties and obligations; the role of director requires active participation in thecompany’s affairs and positive steps by the director to ensure he or she is adequately informed about the financial affairs of the company and, in particular, it is not allowed to trade when it is not able to pay its debts as they become due (i.e. the company is insolvent). Personal sanctions can be imposed on directors for breach of these duties, including bans from holding a company office for a specified period or indefinitely, fines and, in extreme cases, imprisonment. It is also worth noting that these duties and obligation scan apply to a person where,though not formally appointed to a role as director, the appointed directors are accustomed to act in accordance with such person’s instructions. Such persons are known as ‘shadow directors’ and can include parent overseascompanies.
A company is required to keep accounting records that correctlyrecord and explain the transactions and the financial position of the company. Such accounting records are to enable the preparation of ‘true and fair’ financial statements and (where required) an audit of such statements. In addition, companies are required to maintain various statutory registers.
For reporting entities (which includes all public companies), large proprietary companies (proprietary companies with greaterthan 50 employees, consolidated assets greater than $12.5 million or consolidated operating revenue greater than $25 million) and foreign controlled small proprietary companies, the financial statements are to be prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Corporations Act, Australian Accounting Standards and the ‘interpretations’issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board from time to time.
For a public company, an AGM is to be held once in each calendar year and within five months ofthe end of the financial year. Accounts (comprising a balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of cash flows,director’s statement, director’s report and an auditor’s report) are to beprepared before the AGM. A proprietary company does not need to hold an AGM each year.
Financial Statements
Companies required to lodge their financial statements with ASIC must do so within four months of the end of the financial year.
The directors’ statement includes a statement that thefinancial statements comply with applicable accounting standards and the Corporations Act, give a ‘true andfair’ view of the company’s accounts and, in the directors’ opinion, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the company will be able to pay its debts asand when they become due and payable. Directors must have the financial literacy objectively expected of a person holding their position, and each director must have genuinely reviewed and independently formed the view that they approve of the financialstatements before they sign-off on the directors’ statement.
All reporting entities, large proprietary companies andforeign controlled small proprietary companies must have their financial statements audited by a registered company auditor.
The auditor must form an opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true and fair view and comply with the relevant sections ofthe law and applicable accounting standards. In addition, the directors’statement is subject to audit.
Annual CompanyStatement
Each year a proprietary or public company must confirm keyinformation regarding directors, shareholding and the business generally. Thisinformation is provided by ASIC on an ‘Annual Company Statement’ which is sentto the registered address. Companies must also pay an annual review fee. If the Statement needs to be amended the company must submit a Form 484 to ASICdetailing the changes.
【We provideexcellent, expert advice to businesses wishing to invest in Australia.】
The coming topicsinclude:
· Work PlaceRelations
· Foreign Investment
· Tax
We will also bring you many more valuableinformation and news relevant to your investment in Australia in our laterrelease, such as:
· Background information of Australia, including Australian government, legal system, and business structures, etc.
· Laws and regulations in various common areas, including protection of technology and intellectual property, anti-trust and consumer law, contract law, business migration, real property, public takeovers, and electronic commerce etc.
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