
2017年11月17日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中



International division held an Movie Festival on November 15th. Grade 10 and grade 11 students started to prepare a piece of movie two weeks ago and this is the opportunity of showing their cooperative ability and leadership. Before the movie festival start, principle Chad gave a short speech about the importance of safety. He chose 6 best movies to play in front of the whole school. Each group selected a student to go to the stage and gave a short explanation about the movie. Every student were watching intently and they look enjoyable. Making a movie is a difficult thing, but all of the grade 10s and grade 11s did a great job on making the movie.

其中,给大家印象最深一部是Three Missing Girls。同学们精湛的演技和配音,惊悚的背景音乐,把整个故事表现的淋漓尽致。短片最后的彩蛋部分也给大家带来了不少欢乐。讨喜的表情,调皮的动作和失误的台词,让同学们过足了电影节的瘾,获得了阵阵掌声。

One of the most impressive movie was Three Missing Girls. Students who performed in this film did a really good job. The bonus part was also an outstanding part of the movie. The mistakes that students made and the emotion that they did got a big applause.


Students who made the movies gave everyone a deep impression. In the film, they acted as they like and presented an excellent skills of computer and programme. Making movie is a challenge, but they didn’t afraid to do it and achieved a success.

编辑:Astrid, Benny

校对:Anna, Bree

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